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Tory Chief Whip 'Plebgate' Thread

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What Andrew Mitchell has actually said in a roundabout way is "Look, pleb, you are only the law and I am way above that" Politicians make the law and as such should be the first to uphold them!

Also the rumoured reference to the burglary in Manchester was inexcusable.

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I'm no Tory but I don't think Andrew Mitchell should resign. He disputes that he used foul language against the policeman, but acknowledges that he shouldn't have called the policeman a "pleb".

The body representing rank and file officers also weighed in and called his behaviour a disgrace. The same could be said of their treatment of the Home Secretary at their conference earlier in the year when she told them things they didn't want to hear.

It's all very well for police representatives to demand respect and civility, but they must also give it to others - whether they hold public office or not.


Again, that isn't the point.


It's not about the accumulated perceived wrongs on the part of the police force. It's about what Mitchell did, unless of course you're arguing he did it because of the accumulated perceived wrongs on the part of the police force?

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After his disgusting outburst at the police today this arrogant cretin should be dismissed.


All in Favour?


I'm in favour. It just serves to reinforce what the majority of people feel about this mob, a bunch of arrogant posh boys who not only don’t understand how most people live but actively look down on them with disdain. Why people like you support them is beyond me.

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