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Tory Chief Whip 'Plebgate' Thread

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I did. But as this has nothing to do with the original thread but a report of an alleged police conspiracy it deserves a new thread...


---------- Post added 15-10-2013 at 20:03 ----------


To be even fairer, who ever lost any sleep over a politician being misrepresented?!


Did you not lose any sleep over a police stitch up? I suppose if Mitchel had been black you'd be calling for blood.

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Did you not lose any sleep over a police stitch up? I suppose if Mitchel had been black you'd be calling for blood.


Oh dear, it was only a joke, no need to throw your pelvis up over it.


By the way you 'suppose' incorrectly (yet again).

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I did. But as this has nothing to do with the original thread but a report of an alleged police conspiracy it deserves a new thread...


---------- Post added 15-10-2013 at 20:03 ----------



Did you not lose any sleep over a police stitch up? I suppose if Mitchel had been black you'd be calling for blood.


what like George Mitchell?

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Public trust in the police is under threat after officers tried to stitch-up a Cabinet minister, the Home Secretary warned today.


In a dramatic intervention in the row with police,Theresa May demanded an apology from officers accused of misrepresenting Andrew Mitchell after a crunch meeting in the wake of the ‘plebgate’ row which forced his resignation.


Mrs May said a report by the Independent Police Complaints Commission which said the officers’ behaviour after the meeting ‘raised issue of honesty and integrity’ made for 'troubling reading'.


The latest row centres on a high-profile meeting in October last year between Mr Mitchell and the Police Federation seen as a last-ditch chance to save his job.


It followed claims he called officers guarding Downing Street ‘plebs’ when they refused to let him ride his bicycle through the main gates – something he has strongly denied.


Inspector Ken MacKaill, Detective Sergeant Stuart Hinton and Sergeant Chris Jones were accused of deliberately misrepresenting what Mr Mitchell said in a meeting at his Sutton Coldfield constituency office held in the wake of the so-called ‘plebgate’ affair.


Mr Mitchell made clear to the officers exactly what he said during the altercation, but Mr MacKaill told journalists after the meeting that the senior was 'continuing to refuse to elaborate on what happened'.



Unfortunately for the police officers Mitchel had recorded the meeting and played the tape to journalists proving the Federations comments were false. With 8 people so far arrested and on bail it seems those on the forum who were so quick to condemn Andrew Mitchel may have acted in haste.


The DM seems to have missed the bit about May briefing against Mitchell in the run up to his resignation. Does May owe Mitchell an apology?


---------- Post added 15-10-2013 at 20:19 ----------


I did. But as this has nothing to do with the original thread but a report of an alleged police conspiracy it deserves a new thread.


Indeed. This is a separate issue to the original incident.

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Ah yes. That quick back step. "I was only joking"


Well given that Mitchell isn't a friend of yours or a member of your close family it does seem a little odd that you reacted with such hostility, spicing up your invective with a totally irrelevant playing of the race card-woohoo!


In my book politicians of all political (and racial) persuasions are fair game for ridicule and pillory, and I'm not defending the police, I've had much worse dealings with the metropolitan police than he's had.

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Well given that Mitchell isn't a friend of yours or a member of your close family it does seem a little odd that you reacted with such hostility, spicing up your invective with a totally irrelevant playing of the race card-woohoo!


In my book politicians of all political (and racial) persuasions are fair game for ridicule and pillory, and I'm not defending the police, I've had much worse dealings with the metropolitan police than he's had.


We all know your game so don't start that one. Let's just try a very simple question.



If police officers saw Chuka Umunna or Sadiq Khan and said to one another "Lets stitch up the *******". Then fabricated a strory to discredit him. Found another off duty police officer to pose as a passer by to confirm the police version of events. Later when the polotician meets with senior police officers those officers deliberately lie to the waiting reporters about what was said. All this to force a politician out of office... Go on just tell us what your reaction would be?


Lets see if you can manage that without lying.



And no Mitchel is no friend or relative. I just don't like to think we have a police force that will deliberately conspire to frame an innocent person. This isn't just about 1 bent copper. This is about corruption to the very core.

Edited by Anna Glypta
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We all know your game so don't start that one. Let's just try a very simple question.



If police officers saw Chuka Umunna or Sadiq Khan and said to one another "Lets stitch up the *******". Then fabricated a strory to discredit him. Found another off duty police officer to pose as a passer by to confirm the police version of events. Later when the polotician meets with senior police officers those officers deliberately lie to the waiting reporters about what was said. All this to force a politician out of office... Go on just tell us what your reaction would be?


Lets see if you can manage that without lying.


This is a rather contrived hypothesis as it would require the MPs in question to behave in a manner that apes A Mitchell.Both men are too dignified to behave as you suggest.The police were not in a conspiracy as you imply.

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