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Tory Chief Whip 'Plebgate' Thread

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I thought he left by mutual consent,largely for a rude outburst.


He resigned because Cameron had been presented with the word of 3 coppers, and an independent witness, and had come under fire in the commons. Cameron couldn't offer his support and Mitchell had little option but to resign.

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If Mitchell can ever prove his version of events then many people will owe him an apology.


Can he prove it?


He has proved it. He recorded his meeting with 3 senior officers who then emerged and gave a totally spurious (PACK OF LIES) account of what had occured. Mitchel them emerged and played a recording of the meeting which bore no relationship to the police account. If that isn't bent coppers I don't know what is.


Then of course there is the small matter of the person who claimed to have witnessed events in Downing Street. He e-mailed his disgust to his MP giving verbatim the same words as the 3 Downing Street coppers. This was before their report had reach the public.


It later emerged that the civilian was a serving police officer who had been no where near Downing Street and had simply fabricated his story. How he came by the information that he used for his concocted story has not been disclosed, but must have come from police sources against their own rules.


Have you smelled a conspiracy yet?

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Has it been discredited? And can it be? It's his word against theirs.


And the recording of the events.




On October 12 last year Andrew Mitchell met three members of the Police Federation to discuss the 'Plebgate' case.


A tape recording of the meeting reveals Mr Mitchell going to great lengths to explain what happened in Downing Street.


He said: 'I did not say and I give you my word, I give you my word, I did not call an officer an f'ing pleb I did not say you are an f'ing moron and I did not say you should know your f'ing place.


'I would never speak to anyone like that least of all a police officer and you have my word I never said those things.'


Later in the meeting, Detective Sergeant Stuart Hinton, of Warwickshire Police, said to Mr Mitchell: 'I appreciate your candour, and we appreciate you have gone beyond what you said to the media.'


But minutes later outside the meeting, Inspector Ken MacKaill, from West Mercia Police, accused Mr Mitchell of refusing to give any more detail of the incident.


Mr MacKaill said: 'I think Mr Mitchell has no option but to resign.


'He is continuing to refuse to elaborate on what happened. I think his position is untenable.'

Edited by caparo
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He has proved it. He recorded his meeting with 3 senior officers who then emerged and gave a totally spurious (PACK OF LIES) account of what had occured. Mitchel them emerged and played a recording of the meeting which bore no relationship to the police account. If that isn't bent coppers I don't know what is.


Then of course there is the small matter of the person who claimed to have witnessed events in Downing Street. He e-mailed his disgust to his MP giving verbatim the same words as the 3 Downing Street coppers. This was before their report had reach the public.


It later emerged that the civilian was a serving police officer who had been no where near Downing Street and had simply fabricated his story. How he came by the information that he used for his concocted story has not been disclosed, but must have come from police sources against their own rules.


Have you smelled a conspiracy yet?


But that doesn't prove anything about the original event.

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There is no audio recording of the original event.


Mitchell say he has a recording and has provided a transcript. If the police want to call his bluff then they could make a further denial but they will have dug themselves into a bloody big hole if he then released the recording.


Why are you so desperate for his version of events to be untrue? Even the most ardent tory hater must surely admit it is looking increasingly bad for the police? At the end of the day this isn't about political allegiances but about keeping the police in check and slapping them down when they are caught abusing position and power.

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