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Tory Chief Whip 'Plebgate' Thread

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I can accept that Mitchell has evidence that the police tried to stitch him up after the Sutton Coldfield meeting. No way am I defending that.


I've not seen anything that comprehensively proves that one side or the other was right regarding the original incident. There is evidence that Mitchell lost it, and swore too. He admits to not behaving too well:




There is no conspiracy, he has started a witch-hunt to punish those who exposed him for what he really is


You two ever consider a job in the police? A natural ability to keep digging yourself into a hole, and to not notice the horse you're flogging is dead, are qualities that should see you onto the fast-track scheme. :D

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I can accept that Mitchell has evidence that the police tried to stitch him up after the Sutton Coldfield meeting. No way am I defending that.


I've not seen anything that comprehensively proves that one side or the other was right regarding the original incident. There is evidence that Mitchell lost it, and swore too. He admits to not behaving too well:




What about the extra "witness" who, it turns out, was an off duty policeman and not even there on the day? Is it OK for the police to invent stuff like this?


"Footage from surveillance cameras—obtained by Mr Mitchell despite baffling resistance from senior civil servants and, allegedly, one of his erstwhile cabinet colleagues—suggested that at least some details of the police report were false. It had claimed “several members of the public” were pressed around the Downing Street gate and “visibly shocked” by Mr Mitchell’s imprecations. Yet the footage showed that was nonsense: there were no bystanders."


"A self-proclaimed witness to the altercation—who had e-mailed his local MP complaining of Mr Mitchell’s behaviour, including his use of the word “pleb”—turned out to be bogus. He was, it transpired, an off-duty police officer. Questioned by a journalist, he admitted to having been nowhere near Downing Street on the night in question. He “wasn’t a witness to anything,” he admitted."




Both sides as bad as each other but only one has taken a tumble...

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Maybe some peeps in London (his colleagues) should be first in line:



Boris Johnson glad to see Mitchell nearly arrested:



Disregarding the original incident (where he behaved very badly by his own admission) I do feel desperately sorry for Mitchell. Nobody should be treated like that by the police.


I dont consider (assuming his story is true) that he behaved that badly. He didn't curse at the police, he swore under his breath - show me someone who has never ever done that and I'll show you a saint. I don't expect politicians to be perfect, and those that do are the ones that then complain that they are not in touch with ordinary folk..


What is true from this is that a lot of people, from posters on here up to the Mayor of London have leapt on the bandwagon and are now looking like they are dripping with egg. Their measure of credibility is going to be assessed by how gracefully they acknowledge that. I'm not holding my breath mind but I live in hope that people will surprise me.


As for the Met and the Federation, well The Met need to redeem themselves, yet again, and so do the Federation. Sadly they've shown themselves incapable of doing so over the last twenty years and I doubt this incident will be any different.

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I dont consider (assuming his story is true) that he behaved that badly. He didn't curse at the police, he swore under his breath - show me someone who has never ever done that and I'll show you a saint. I don't expect politicians to be perfect, and those that do are the ones that then complain that they are not in touch with ordinary folk..


What is true from this is that a lot of people, from posters on here up to the Mayor of London have leapt on the bandwagon and are now looking like they are dripping with egg. Their measure of credibility is going to be assessed by how gracefully they acknowledge that. I'm not holding my breath mind but I live in hope that people will surprise me.


As for the Met and the Federation, well The Met need to redeem themselves, yet again, and so do the Federation. Sadly they've shown themselves incapable of doing so over the last twenty years and I doubt this incident will be any different.




Do you remember when Prescott got hit by an egg. If you provoke deliberately you can't blame someone for reacting.

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Do you remember when Prescott got hit by an egg. If you provoke deliberately you can't blame someone for reacting.


I don't blame Prescott for the first or second smacks that toppled the guy onto the ground. What wasn't really on was the way he was obviously willing to carry on grappling with him when prudence would have siad to back away. But as you say, a extreme provocation will provoke a similar reaction - I don't really blame Prescott for what he did although I think he could have acted differently. The same goes for Mitchell, I think he could have handled it with more grace, but I'm not going to castigate him for what appears to have happened

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Let's wind it back a bit.


It WAS recorded in the log. Now, the first thing that shouldn't have happened was the log was leaked into the public domain. That was wrong but once it was in the public domain questions would obviously be asked. Unavoidable.


I would never defend any politician for this behaviour. When Prescott tried to deck that man with the eggs I thought he should have been sacked.


Strange how we react to things politicians and high profile people do, before this incident I was aware of Mitchell he seemed a very good minister, when I saw him interviewed he seemed to rise above the usual claptrap emanating from central office.


None the less when I heard the allegations, I changed my opinion, I saw him as a typical Toryboy, arrogant, overeducated snob.


I see him now as a victim, if its true what we are now hearing we should put aside political differences and see this situation for what it is, a threat to the democratic process.


BTW I only voted Labour once, and that was as a result of seeing Prescott thump that Welshman. I like politicians to have a bit of character, a bit of passion.

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