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Tory Chief Whip 'Plebgate' Thread

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"Mr Mitchell, 56, was educated at Rugby public school. It is here the self confessed "stern disciplinarian" is said to have earned the nickname "Thrasher". "


http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-19698442 - Sept 2012 profile.


How things change when you think you can get off the hook.


Just what hook is he on? I presume that those conspiring to do the stitch up targeted Mitchel because of articles like the one you linked up to. It seems to be the police federation that are well and truly on the hook. I just wonder which one will try to get off it by shopping all his mates.

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The hook he is still on is that he was sacked and has a black mark on his reputation. Getting off the hook would be to be reinstated to the cabinet - This morning on 'Radio5 Live' one of his mates was saying that the PM must return him to the cabinet!


Having mate's shopping you happens everywhere - https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/uk.politics.misc/MrKgc1mGdTQ


I particularly like the comment on the above thread :-

"Never underestimate the slipperiness of these greasy f***s we laughingly elect in to power."

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Yes he has. He said that he said "I thought you lot were here to ****ing help us" or words to that effect.


As Keith Vaz is a Labour MP I find his comments from yesterday rather over ride any political bias.


Keith Vaz, chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee, which has held several evidence sessions on the Plebgate affair, said: "This plea is not only the first public acknowledgement that Mr Mitchell has been the subject of gross unfairness but it is also an admission that a criminal offence has been committed against him.

"With 11 other officers being subject to misconduct hearings, and the further investigation by the IPCC, this appears to be a complete vindication of Mr Mitchell's position.

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Yes he has. He said that he said "I thought you lot were here to ****ing help us" or words to that effect.

Yes. He did admit- and has never denied- the swearing.

He did not admit- and has always denied- the "pleb" epithet.

And it turns out that he was right all along.

Whereas the policeman...

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Yes. He did admit- and has never denied- the swearing.

He did not admit- and has always denied- the "pleb" epithet.

And it turns out that he was right all along.

Whereas the policeman...


I'm not sure that swearing under your breath is actually an offense. If it is we are nearly all guilty of it.

With 11 officers under investigation and one already convicted, I think the only folk who don't think Mitchell was the victim here are those who are politically motivated to think otherwise.

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As Keith Vaz is a Labour MP I find his comments from yesterday rather over ride any political bias.


Keith Vaz, chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee, which has held several evidence sessions on the Plebgate affair, said: "This plea is not only the first public acknowledgement that Mr Mitchell has been the subject of gross unfairness but it is also an admission that a criminal offence has been committed against him.

"With 11 other officers being subject to misconduct hearings, and the further investigation by the IPCC, this appears to be a complete vindication of Mr Mitchell's position.


Keith Vaz is only officially a Labour Party MP but technically in view of his opinions and attitude, he isn't. He's the sort of person who complains about immigration yet complains with ministerial interest when one of his constituents is refused a visa. He's almost as repulsive as IDS.


As for the case itself, 11-12 officers? How many officers where there at the time? How many does it take to patrol Downing Street?

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Keith Vaz is only officially a Labour Party MP but technically in view of his opinions and attitude, he isn't. He's the sort of person who complains about immigration yet complains with ministerial interest when one of his constituents is refused a visa. He's almost as repulsive as IDS.


As for the case itself, 11-12 officers? How many officers where there at the time? How many does it take to patrol Downing Street?


As far as I'm aware it takes 3 officers to cover Downing Street. The charges relate to officers allegedly making false statements, leaking documents or otherwise abusing their position in an attempt to smear a cabinet minister. Naughty boys eh?


So far investgating this attempted stitch up has cost around £250,000. The good news is they will probably recover that when they no longer have to provide pensions for discredited officers.

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Just what hook is he on? I presume that those conspiring to do the stitch up targeted Mitchel because of articles like the one you linked up to. It seems to be the police federation that are well and truly on the hook. I just wonder which one will try to get off it by shopping all his mates.


As has been pointed out, the hook is the original cop. The original cop, not the bandwagon jumpers, sticks by his account and is prepared to sue Mitchell. Not is he facing any disciplinary charges so is free to continue.

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As has been pointed out, the hook is the original cop. The original cop, not the bandwagon jumpers, sticks by his account and is prepared to sue Mitchell. Not is he facing any disciplinary charges so is free to continue.


I would await that case with much interest. As Keith Vaz (Labour MP) said of the recent conviction "This plea is not only the first public acknowledgement that Mr Mitchell has been the subject of gross unfairness but it is also an admission that a criminal offence has been committed against him.

"With 11 other officers being subject to misconduct hearings, and the further investigation by the IPCC, this appears to be a complete vindication of Mr Mitchell's position.


As the officer suing Mitchell will have to give his testimony on oath as will Mitchell it will be pertinent to the case just how many officers have been shown to conspire in this case. I also wonder how many will break rank and shop those at the forefront of any stitch up.


It is one thing to loose you jobs and possibly your pension over a case like this. It is another entirely to go down for perjury on top of that.

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