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Tory Chief Whip 'Plebgate' Thread

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Or indeed if any lie was told despite a confession. We all knew it was going to be a whitewash anyway, even if some people don't like to admit it


Are you inferring the Police man was set up? That the minister was lying all the time? This is very serious, how do you know this?

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Why is nabbing the culprit a 'whitewash'? Surely you're pleased that justice is done.


You are joking of course. The last thing mecky wants to see is justice being done. The only thing that matters to mecky is the colour of the rosette. So a fitting up by the police is perfectly acceptable if it is an MP with a blue rosette that is the victim of the fit up.


In this case the innocent being exonerated and the conspiritors being put away is mecky's worst nightmare.

Edited by Anna Glypta
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I've no idea- and nor, I think, does any SF member. Wait and see.

I hope that Mr Mitchell is re-appointed to a senior position in HMG, mind you.


So what was the point of your comment?


The libel cases will be interesting. My money would be on neither of them being able to prove their version of events. A no-score draw.


As for a post in HMG there's technically no ready why he shouldn't go back. But there's an election on the way and would Cameron want a minister embroiled in messy libel cases in the run-up?

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Or indeed if any lie was told despite a confession. We all knew it was going to be a whitewash anyway, even if some people don't like to admit it


So what are you claiming now? That the copper who wasn't there at the scene actually was there and witnessed it all, but then went to court and lied about what he had seen and claimed to be miles away at the time? So according to you the cop lied in court which would make him guilty of perjury.

It doesn't get any better for the boys in blue.

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  • 1 month later...
Police lying and trying to stitch people up.....who'd have thought it?


It would appear the rats are leaving the sinking ship.



Post-Plebgate Police Federation in Disarray after Double Resignation




The Police Federation will be left leaderless after the chairman and general secretary both announced their sudden resignations.


Steve Williams and Ian Rennie will leave the organisation after its annual conference in May.


Their decision comes in the wake of a number of scandals including the Plebgate affair as well as a loss of public confidence in policing in England and Wales.


Williams said the timing was right for another chairman to take the helm of the federation, which represents 131,000 police officers.


He said: "The Police Federation has faced a turbulent period and there has been much criticism of our organisation and the way certain members behaved.

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