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Tory Chief Whip 'Plebgate' Thread

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Why do you say that?


Because this has been one police lie after another. There has been a policeman who said he heard Andrew Mitchell use the word "pleb" when it has been proved he wasn't even there.





Mr Mitchell had a meeting with three senior officers where he explained everything that happened that night, how he did swear (not at the officers) but he never used the word "pleb". The three officers then came straight out of the meeting to a waiting sea of press and told them Mr Mitchell had failed to explain what happened that night. Luckily Mr Mitchell had recorded the whole meeting which showed they were lying. The police are closing ranks and looking after their own.




I hope PC Toby Rowland loses everything

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Because this has been one police lie after another. There has been a policeman who said he heard Andrew Mitchell use the word "pleb" when it has been proved he wasn't even there.





Mr Mitchell had a meeting with three senior officers where he explained everything that happened that night, how he did swear (not at the officers) but he never used the word "pleb". The three officers then came straight out of the meeting to a waiting sea of press and told them Mr Mitchell had failed to explain what happened that night. Luckily Mr Mitchell had recorded the whole meeting which showed they were lying. The police are closing ranks and looking after their own.




I hope PC Toby Rowland loses everything


Does this mean Andrew Mitchell is whiter than white then?

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No it doesn't. But he has told them several times what happened that night. It has also been proved that the police have lied several times.


Thanks! I have little doubt the police lied and that the whole truth of what happened will probably never be known. Let's not forget that Andrew Mitchell changed his story too and that was an action that hardly engenders trust!


It'll be interesting to watch it all unfold.

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Don't get me wrong, I am not a fan of Andrew Mitchell or of any politician and I am not a hater of police. It's just that in this case it has been proved that the police have lied over and over again.


I'm in agreement with you on politicians and the police! There's good and downright bad buggers to be found in both camps!

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Because this has been one police lie after another. There has been a policeman who said he heard Andrew Mitchell use the word "pleb" when it has been proved he wasn't even there.





Mr Mitchell had a meeting with three senior officers where he explained everything that happened that night, how he did swear (not at the officers) but he never used the word "pleb". The three officers then came straight out of the meeting to a waiting sea of press and told them Mr Mitchell had failed to explain what happened that night. Luckily Mr Mitchell had recorded the whole meeting which showed they were lying. The police are closing ranks and looking after their own.




I hope PC Toby Rowland loses everything


I know this is going to be tough for you to digest but there is no evidence Toby Rowland lied. He has not been disciplined. He has not been charged.

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