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Tory Chief Whip 'Plebgate' Thread

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Also odd comment on modern world: "pleb" is not permissible, yet the F word- admittedly used- is!


Surely that one's obvious.


"Pleb", from the mouth of a senior tory is gilt edged invitation to anyone involved in upholding the narrative of tory 're-toxification' to spool out column inches and television minutes on the subject.


The swear words give nothing more away than the fact he lost his cool.

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What's this thread doing open? Pro or anti Tory bias? Not sure.


I just thought I'd post a link to the latest development in the case that points to it looking more and more like a stitch up job.

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I just thought I'd post a link to the latest development in the case that points to it looking more and more like a stitch up job.


Thank you. Its just the other party-specific threads had been closed and I wondered why this one hadn't

I'm pleased it hasn't and don't agree with the mode decision to amalgamate the threads. But hey ho its saving me a lot of time bothering with SF. I'll find another hobby for a bit.

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I just thought I'd post a link to the latest development in the case that points to it looking more and more like a stitch up job.


Obviously the police have used the original incident to stitch up Mitchell and damage the Tories. It couldn't be clearer.

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"Pleb", from the mouth of a senior tory is gilt edged invitation to anyone involved in upholding the narrative of tory 're-toxification' to spool out column inches and television minutes on the subject.

Maybe the police lies are guilt-edged, then?

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Obviously the police have used the original incident to stitch up Mitchell and damage the Tories. It couldn't be clearer.


Well, what comes around goes around, the government have been sticking it to all public services, not just the police since, since seizing power in 2010. What with attacks on just about everyone in public society it's not surprising they performed so badly in the locals. I expect a few attacks from the usual trolls on here just for saying that but nobody can deny what is happening, even if they try. I mean, what was it yesterday, an attack on the Police Federation?


"And then - just a few hours before federation members voted overwhelmingly to adopt a programme of reform - Theresa May twisted the knife, reeling off a list of policing scandals, announcing an end to state funding of the federation and warning that further change must follow. "



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