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Tory Chief Whip 'Plebgate' Thread

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Then why did he apologise? Why did his boss condemn his remarks?


Some times in life you have to just accept your onto a loser.

For some strange reason a coppers word is still worth more than some peoples and no doubt Thrasher realised he could prove his argument so did the decent thing and fello on his sword (so to speak)

If hed said half what the police said he did then he WOULD have been arrested.

End of.

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Some times in life you have to just accept your onto a loser.

For some strange reason a coppers word is still worth more than some peoples and no doubt Thrasher realised he could prove his argument so did the decent thing and fello on his sword (so to speak)

If hed said half what the police said he did then he WOULD have been arrested.

End of.


He came whithin a whisker of being arrested accouring to the Met police federation. He was told to desist and he eventually did ;)

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