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What's the most stupid thing you have heard someone say.

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Whilst at the dentist and having been given anaesthetic, the dentist was merrily using the

ultrasonic cleaner and the assistant had the vacuum tube in my mouth, the dentist said

'Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth' and then asked 'is everything ok?'


I replied 'Argh.. argh.. argh', in a sort of gurgling sound.


The dentist said 'Good, you are doing fine'


So what does 'Argh.. argh.. argh' mean to a dentist?

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Most stupid think I ever heard someone say -


"I didn't realise curling was played on ice, I thought it was that stuff they make air hockey tables from that makes things float because of the static"


That is stupid in so many ways.

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Not stupid but I thought it was quite funny. I had to take my brother into hospital this evening for blood tests for an infection. They couldnt find a vein and so wrapped his arm in a heat pad, which they jokingly call 'cooking'. We were in a room opposite the kitchen. After 15 mins, my brother sniffs and says in a very serious voice, "Oh, i can smell my arm cooking now, cant you?". Cue me bursting out laughing because someone had just burnt their dinner! :)

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