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What's the most stupid thing you have heard someone say.

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my friend was once involved in a small car crash very close to where i lived and the other driver had drove off, when me and a few friends saw our friends car we went down to see if he was ok, he said he had a really bad neck pain so we asked him if he had phoned the police and to tell them about the driver driving off and he replied '' i dont have any credit to phone 999 '' :gag::P

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Overheard on a train: "when they do those travel reports on the radio and talk about the M25, how can you know where the jams are? Cos the clockwise or anticlockwise depends on where you're coming from - it'll be different if you're coming from the north or the south"

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The most stupid thing I hear is when people are talking about a football team that they are watching but not playing in as "we".


e.g. "we were two one up at half time"



It is almost as if they are living in a fantasy that they are on the pitch. It makes them sound simple and I always insist on correcting them, before I allow them to continue with their pointless anacdote.

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