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Pakistani Minister offers reward for the murder of US citizens.


Should Bilour be banned from this country for incitement to murder?  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Bilour be banned from this country for incitement to murder?

    • Yes he should be prevented from coming here
    • No. He should be free to visit anytime he likes

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They would do well to mind their own business what's said and written here.


Half their people are living in abject poverty. their women cant vote, the land is full of wild eyed fanatics. Most of the people who are able to scarper off to Saudi, the Emirates or Europe to find a better life and the educated intelligensia seek jobs in the USA or the Commonwealth countries, Canada, Australia or New Zealand


The country is a mess, something like Europe was in medieval times when the religious orders and the kings ruled supreme.


Show me a priest and I reach for my blunderbuss

Thomas Cromwell



Half the stuff you've written is ''beyond my ken'' - I've no idea how many Pakistanis move to Saudi - but I suspect those who do are not very bright. - It''s hardly likely that Saudi Arabians would want to have anything to do with Northern barbarians - who are of a totally different ethnic origin.


You said: "They would do well to mind their own business what's said and written here."


Why? Whatever would give them that idea?


-Certainly not Mrs Clinton. Whether you or I approve of the video is irrelevant. If the US Secretary of State expresses an opinion, then her statement is more than 'relevant'' - it's important.


The comments of the secretary of state appear to suggest that ''free speech'' [irrelevant to me] should be limited where it might upset Muslims.


I wonder how far that will get through Congress?


You, I and many other people might feel that the person who made that daft video is a plonker - but, I suggest, none of us has the [paid] job of being the arbiter of taste.


The Secretary of State is the Secretary of State - one might have thought that was a pretty important job, yet she chose to comment on a silly video ... did she have nothing better to do?


Why did she open her mouth in the first place?


The pervert of Pakistan has told the world (and specifically, the United States)


I'm neither a Republican nor am I a Democrat (both parties have moved away from my place in the political stream - and anyway, my wife no longer has a ''spare vote''. - I suppose that as my wife is originally a Texan ... and is a daughter of the Alamo, I could be one of the 'dead residents' of Deaf Smith, but I don''t think I''ll bother.


The current Pervert of Pakistan has told the governors/presidents/prime ministers of the world that they should ensure that their laws do not offend Muslims.


Yeah, right!


And if they ignore him? - Will he reject all the handouts he gets?


I''m no puppet master, but if I was and if my puppets started bitching, I would certainly listen - and take the recalcritant puppets out of the show.


Old Sammy Bin Liner was killed in the middle of a busy Pakistani city. -That upset the Pakistani government (You can''t go around killing peopplle, even if they are people wh [say we] don''t like either.)


Three are some people who think the Pakistani government knew where he was all along - irrelevant.


America - the biggest economy on the world - is slow to respond, but when it does respond, the effect is felt worldwide.


"Well you Children of Satan, you must learn that you may only pass laws which we, the followers of the prophet, agree with. You may not pass laws which are at variance with our beliefs."


Yeah, right!


Hilarious Clitwit of Borak Obama might go along with that, but what do you think he of the Holy underpants would say?


Scatolic humour apart, if you were an American voter, would you give your vote to somebody who appeared to be appeasing the Muslims, or to his opposition?


If you were a Brit and some foreigner said that Parliament could only pass laws which were approved by other countries, how would you feel?


If you are an American, you will learn the answer in a day or two. Will the Secretary of State tell the pervert of Pakistan to bugger off?


Or will the Secretary of State confirm that the present US government has no objection to Muslim States targetting American citizens?


We will have to wait to find out. - hopefully we will know the answer fairly soon.


Would you vote for an abrogation of constitutional rights if it was the onlY means of halting the opposition, HArleyman?


Would you put your political party before (and above) the Constitution?


Certainly long before the next presidential elections.


The next presidential elections could end up being a race between somebody who is determined to satisfy Muslims at all costs (irrespective if that might lead to the murder of a citizen) and somebody who wears clean underpants.

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I don't know wether anybodys noticed but we are in the middle of a religious war

the only way to stop it, is for Islam to embrace reason and responsibility,

in which it will have to accept science, women's rights, homosexuality, and ditch supernatural magical thinking. :help:


I disagree. We are not in the middle 0f a religious war- but we might well be At the start of one.


There is nothing in international law which forbids a country from proscribing ANY religion.


(If you don''t believe me, try opening a Christian church [any denomination you like] in Saudi Arabia.)


You can't do it. It's against the law.


If the Saudi's can make religious laws - so can other people. (Unless, of course, the Perv of Pakistan or some other 'world leader' tells you you can't.)

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I disagree. We are not in the middle 0f a religious war- but we might well be At the start of one.


There is nothing in international law which forbids a country from proscribing ANY religion.


(If you don''t believe me, try opening a Christian church [any denomination you like] in Saudi Arabia.)


You can't do it. It's against the law.


If the Saudi's can make religious laws - so can other people. (Unless, of course, the Perv of Pakistan or some other 'world leader' tells you you can't.)


try telling that to most muslims in the middle east and nr east-:D I agree about the persecution of Christians in Muslim societies . In Pakistan, Christians face punishment and discrimination; in Indonesia, churches have been closed. In Egypt, the Copts are openly discriminated against in the courts. Across Africa, Christians are being attacked in their churches; in Kuwait, the "villa-churches" used by foreigners are being forcibly shut; in Iraq, Christians are targeted by kidnappers and bombers; in Iran, 300 Christians have been arrested since 2010.



This cartoon crap is a good opportunity for secularism to kick in - eliminating all religion from any form of government and making it a private matter for the individual. Violence, intolerance and so on can be dealt with by the law without the law needing to refer to any specific religious (or indeed, racial) group.

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And where do the impoverished Muslim States get their ''world aid'' ''food aid'' and other money from?


Perhaps somebody should tell them: "Charity begins at home. We, the well-established oil-poor nations will look after our own people and you the rich Muslim nations will provide for your people, your brothers-in-need, your brethren in the impoverished Muslim nations.


After all, the propet exhorts us to be charitable. We followers of Islam who have much are more than happy to share our wealth withh you who are poor. - Aren't we?


It's time to put an end to this embarrassing situation where the w*ankers of the west are providing for the poor in the developing world.


Let the oil-rich nations of Southern Asia feed their own people.


We will look after our own.


Just like what we've always done.

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Just heard this on the radio:




Ban Pakistani minister from Britain, say MPs


Theresa May is facing calls for a senior Pakistani minister to be barred from Britain after he offered a bounty for the killing of the American-based director of an anti-Islamic film.


Ghulam Ahmed Bilour, a member of the Pakistani cabinet, offered to pay $100,000 (£61,600) to anyone who killed the maker of a film that has caused anger in many Muslim countries.


The Daily Telegraph has learnt that the minister is a regular visitor to London, where he and his brothers spend large parts of the year in family properties.


Conservative MPs want Mrs May to consider whether Mr Bilour should be prevented from coming to Britain because his presence would not be “conducive to the public good”.


One MP said: “Ministers should be looking at this. We don’t want extremists like that coming into the country.”


Another said: “We just can’t have people who incite violence in this way in Britain.”


Perhaps he might regret his populist incitement to murder after all.

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Friends, neighbours ,family, groups, employment, authorities, countries, societies only intervene when they fail to police themselves. As you can see it's gone a long way and a problem like that is not going to be solved overnight.


Wars should be fought by those that start them but cant see this fella doing anything like that. Wuss.

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Seize his property over here and give it to charity. Being in government he'll understand the concept of charity.


I would say seize his property, sell it and distribute the proceeds to the poor in Pakistan in place of the aid we give from our taxes.

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