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Pakistani Minister offers reward for the murder of US citizens.


Should Bilour be banned from this country for incitement to murder?  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Bilour be banned from this country for incitement to murder?

    • Yes he should be prevented from coming here
    • No. He should be free to visit anytime he likes

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They can take their religion and stick it where the sun doesn't shine the arrogant gets who do they think they are! they think they can insult our country our troops our people yet we can't say anything about them why don't they crawl back under rocks/caves they came from can't stand their backward beliefs/religion.


But you do say things about them, quite frequently without any censure

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Do you care about Muslims as you would do your fellow man?




Ooo mark, are you from Luton?



I have friends all over the country, i care about all the genuine citizens of this country including Muslims i would never want to see any innocent individual get hurt who live by our countries rules and respects our way of life,if they dont respect our way of life and insult our country and don't like the way we live then they deserve all they get IMO.

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I have friends all over the country, i care about all the genuine citizens of this country including Muslims i would never want to see any innocent individual get hurt who live by our countries rules and respects our way of life,
Pretty much agree with all that mark :)


if they dont respect our way of life and insult our country and don't like the way we live then they deserve all they get IMO.

Well I may not like it, but I'd defend their right to hold whatever view they want (just as I would the BNP or NF), provided it doesn't materially impact on me.


I'd say the majority of Muslims I encounter are decent, law abiding Sheffielders, the utterances of this Pakistani minister are as alien to them as they are to you and me (as the taxi driver who gave me a lift this morning was quick to volunteer), but as soon as people start demanding that Muslims take to the streets and protest (I'm not saying you have btw) it only serves to alienate people who should be our friends by highlighting our differences.

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In that case I'm sure that you can provide a link to one of the thousands who have expressed their anger at the bounty offer. Your hearing is clearly better than mine.


A link? Don't you know any Muslims you're able to engage in conversation?


EDIT: Oh go on then




(took all of 2 seconds to Google it)

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A link? Don't you know any Muslims you're able to engage in conversation?


EDIT: Oh go on then




(took all of 2 seconds to Google it)


Well were were actually discussing British Muslims but now you've provided that link. It doesn't seem if the condemnation of the Pakistani Government extends beyond lip service for the media as the minister is still in his job. Really after 2 seconds of Googling couldn't you find anything.

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Well were were actually discussing British Muslims but now you've provided that link. It doesn't seem if the condemnation of the Pakistani Government extends beyond lip service for the media as the minister is still in his job. Really after 2 seconds of Googling couldn't you find anything.


Somehow I suspected it wouldn't placate you, as I said..deaf ears.


Since you require something from them, why don't you open your front door and have a conversation with a Muslim neighbour or shopkeeper? Then again you'd probably believe they were just paying you 'lip service'.

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I have friends all over the country, i care about all the genuine citizens of this country including Muslims i would never want to see any innocent individual get hurt who live by our countries rules and respects our way of life,if they dont respect our way of life and insult our country and don't like the way we live then they deserve all they get IMO.


Bet you keep that quiet when you're with your EDL chums.

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Somehow I suspected it wouldn't placate you, as I said..deaf ears.


Since you require something from them, why don't you open your front door and have a conversation with a Muslim neighbour or shopkeeper? Then again you'd probably believe they were just paying you 'lip service'.


I take it you failed to find a single word of condenmation in this country which as I said earlier plays straight into the hands of the BNP. You might consider it is your ears that are quite clearly the deaf ones. In your rush to make excuses all the time you seem quite incapable of understanding the outrage. It just makes it less likely that when someone sees members of the BNP kicking the crap out of a taxi driver that they will lift a finger to help.

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Somehow I suspected it wouldn't placate you, as I said..deaf ears.


Since you require something from them, why don't you open your front door and have a conversation with a Muslim neighbour or shopkeeper? Then again you'd probably believe they were just paying you 'lip service'.


Just as a matter of interest..


If a member of the British cabinet offered £100K for anyone who murdered a Pakistani, would you feel it sufficient for David Cameron to say the minister didn't speak for the government on the subject, so can keephis job? It's a simple question..

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