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Pakistani Minister offers reward for the murder of US citizens.


Should Bilour be banned from this country for incitement to murder?  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Bilour be banned from this country for incitement to murder?

    • Yes he should be prevented from coming here
    • No. He should be free to visit anytime he likes

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I don't need to. I know that my Muslim colleagues are in no way associated with extremism and that they don't support clowns like this minister.


I remember in the 70s and 80s the same line used to trotted out about the average Irishman on the street not supporting the IRA.


I have Irish family and I have yet to meet a single one who didn't support the aims of the IRA. It just wasn't necessarily a wise thing for them to broadcast it in those days....


I'm not suggesting that all Muslims are extremist, far from it and I am sure many don't. But saying that your colleagues don't support extremism is not particularly scientific. I am sure my relatives colleagues thought that they abhorred the IRA but in fact they supported them. You're not exactly going to walk into work every day and announce that westerners are dogs and you praise allah for 9/11 are you?

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Is this the BNP's latest PR 'charm' offensive? I don't feel alienated from the Muslims I know, and my feelings toward them are unaffected if they choose not to comment on what this minister has said. If any were to articulate their support of him then that would be a different matter.




Which branch of the BNP are you in?


You have clearly lost the plot in your blind support of anything ethnic regardless of circumstances. Many have pointed out the lack of obvious condemnation from British muslims is meat and drink to BNP recruitment. But I suppose your obvious inability to find evidence to the contrary has set you on the defensive. I would imagine the BNP are rubbing their hands in glee awaiting the next council elections.


In answer to your snd point .. Which wing of Rampton are you in?

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