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Pakistani Minister offers reward for the murder of US citizens.


Should Bilour be banned from this country for incitement to murder?  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Bilour be banned from this country for incitement to murder?

    • Yes he should be prevented from coming here
    • No. He should be free to visit anytime he likes

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And the biggest lesson to be learned from history was the mistake made by appeasing Hitler. He just took everything that was offered but kept on demanding more and more.

These folk just expect to curtail free speach around the world as part of their plan to impose Islam on the world. Before long or kids will be forced to have Halal meat in schools.


How do you propose we tackle the issue?

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And the biggest lesson to be learned from history was the mistake made by appeasing Hitler. He just took everything that was offered but kept on demanding more and more.

These folk just expect to curtail free speach around the world as part of their plan to impose Islam on the world. Before long or kids will be forced to have Halal meat in schools.


I dont see the western world signing on to a religion like Islam when we're walking away from Christianity the latter case of which is largely the result of progressive science and the independent thought that comes of it.

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And the biggest lesson to be learned from history was the mistake made by appeasing Hitler. He just took everything that was offered but kept on demanding more and more.

The German president had little choice on whether to appease Hitler he wasn't a man who stood alone, the banks and business leaders preferred him to the communist option. What do you think the alternative might have been if they'd ignored him at the time or played it tough with him and his Storm Troppers. The German military had already discovered they couldn't deal with them.

These folk just expect to curtail free speach around the world as part of their plan to impose Islam on the world. Before long or kids will be forced to have Halal meat in schools.

Which folk are you referring to? The rank & file Muslim or the extremists who get the headlines?


Funny how this press release of 20th September on the Muslim Council of Great Britain website hasn't been reported anywhere




• Mosques will mark the International Day of Peace during Friday sermons

• Message of no tolerance for hate or violence


The Muslim Council (MCB) is urging all mosques and Islamic associations in Britain to celebrate the International Day of Peace in their Friday sermons tomorrow, 21 September.


The MCB encourages all imams and khatibs to mark the day in their khutbas (sermons), with calls for calm, and respect for religious beliefs and tolerance. Debate rages over films, cartoons and other insults which denigrate the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (peace be upon him)


It is important that our brothers and sisters in Islamic institutions up and down the country reassure the Muslim community in this time of unprecedented challenges.


We urge them to seize this opportunity to reflect on the peaceful message of our religion, and our Prophet, peace be upon him, whatever others might be doing to incite hatred. We must show no tolerance for that hatred: it must not claim us, nor we allow ourselves to be cowed by those who would seek to demonise our faith or religious figures.



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That's very likely to further destabilise them and lead to more violence. How can that be a good outcome?


How can you destabilize this lot. They are a police state that is intolerant to any other religion. I'm sure this country could find a lot od uses for £11 billion.


I note that you haven't put forward any ideas apart from your usual pro islam slant on everything.

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