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What would Gods do if everyone stopped worshipping them?


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I don't think you got my point. taking people to task in this way makes them think you're calling them stupid. I strongly believe in proper spelling and grammar, but if it was never learned in school, neither you or I will make scholars out of them. Best to leave them be, they're not harming you. You come on a little too strong for a newcomer, many others have done too including me, but many leave early. Don't be one of them.


It is interesting to see that you believe that people are beyond being able to learn if they did not learn at school. :roll:

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Surely Gods are only Gods because they enjoy all the adoration? It appears to me that all Gods enjoy the aloofness of "godding" it over us inferior creation of theirs.

What would happen if everyone suddenly stopped worshipping them all at once and decided that they were all just a bunch of myths?

What would they do to get their own back?:loopy:


God's don't exist, it's like saying ghosts exist lol :hihi:

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It's the one truth of christianity, i got it by being helped by Saul, he didn't let on he was jesus till the end.


The New Testament is the most valuable book in the world.


If the New Testament is the most valuable book in the world why do you quote the Old Testament?


So, Saul from the Old Testament is really Jesus in the New Testament although many hundreds of years had passed since Saul had died.


Interesting time difference don't you think?

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If god exists he probably will destroy us again. If you read the bible hes murdered thousands of people from Sodem and Gomorah to Noahs Ark. He even stood by and allowed his own son to be crucified so hes hardly the moralistic guardian of society.


PS I'm an athiest so if God wants to strike me down then go right ahead I'm waiting for you. Or is your only weapon Johos waking me up on a Sunday.


The Bible is a book full of stories written by men. A belief in a Universal power doesn't necessarily come from reading a book.


Anyway, God doesn't need to destroy the world, there are plenty of people on earth ready to do it for him.

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The Bible is a book full of stories written by men. A belief in a Universal power doesn't necessarily come from reading a book.


Anyway, God doesn't need to destroy the world, there are plenty of people on earth ready to do it for him.


Yeah! the conservatives.:gag:

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