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Sexual exploitation of children by Pakistanis in South Yorkshire


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Meanwhile, yet another underage girl is in a relationship with a teacher. A white British teacher.




The Sun's reporting is better as it features a picture of a ferry for those unaware of what one may be:



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Meanwhile, yet another underage girl is in a relationship with a teacher. A white British teacher.




The Sun's reporting is better as it features a picture of a ferry for those unaware of what one may be:




trust the sun to drag things down to amoeba level


maybe theyre just reliving the days of "ferryaid"

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It's becoming more and more blindingly obvious that mass immigration and multi-culturism have been a disastrous mistake for this country. Allowing huge numbers of people from backward countries to bring their backward attitudes and cultural practices here, then try and cover up the consequences shames the British establishment. This has been happening for so long that it's now deeply engrained in British society and too late to do anything about it.


So just to clarify this, you have no need for the people but you never watch the tv because its made in korea or japan, you only eat yorkshire pudding, you only drive ....opppssyyy stuck on that one seeing as there are no brtish car companys, you work for someone who never needs to export to any other country, you school your children at home as not to have them contaminated.....Point made i think.

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I cannot believe that some are saying,well whites do it as well as if that makes it somehow ok,its all wrong .Full Stop no matter what colour they are.Labour mp Ann Cryer brought this up years ago and was told to shut up has she was letting her asian voters down by bringing this problem up.Thankfully she didnt let it lie and carried on pursuing it.I think that the police are worried about pursuing sensitive issues involving muslims and so are councils.Rioting and protesting in the street is something that councils will want to avoid and sadly in the last week we have seen what can happen among and i stress a minority of muslims.

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Oh dear, it's all turning a bit "Sheffield Forum", isn't it.


It's time for me to leave this thread, but I'll just reiterate that the issue here is not the abuse. It's the cover up of that abuse by the police and local authority. Yes, racism comes into it, the misguided fear of being seen to be racist when these people should have been doing their job and bringing the offenders to trial, preventing the victims from suffering years of abuse.

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Young girls have been and are being abused and raped whilst the authorities stood / stand by and 'monitor'. I think a proper, in depth investigation is required to establish who decided this wasn't as important as avoiding making potentially controversial revelations- because somebody somewhere did.

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whether you like to hear it or not, you will face a race war in this country because it will be forced upon you without a choice.
Forced on whom, by whom? :huh:


The percentages posted earlier in the thread. Asian Muslims certainly seem to produce an effect out of all proportion to their numbers, don't they? If asked to guess at the figures, I'd have said they were a lot higher than a few percent.

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