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Can you kill at ten paces with your tongue?

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We all know that a woman can kill at ten paces with her tongue!


Maybe someones tried to chat you up?

Maybe you were disgruntled (if a pig loses his voice is he disgruntled?..I digress...sorry) in a shop with bad service.

Or some other situation?


So (mostly aimed at the ladies on here), what's been your proudest moment with a killer line that's stopped someone dead in their tracks?


Or as an afterthought, what you wish you had said at the time and didn't!


Shall I go now?

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I congratulate you on attempting to single-handedly keep the forum alive with a constant supply of interesting threads!


Not so much a witty put-down as more a statement of fact!


Thank-you :thumbsup:



OK, I'll start with one from Groucho Marx:


"Women should be obscene and not heard."



(Lights blue touch paper and waits patiently...) :D

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Thanks - but I already seem to upset too many on here as it is so I'll stay 'anonymous'.


Speaking of which, it looks like this thread has killed everyone off ... :hihi:


Like I said, obviously no witty comments in Sheffield. I 'thought' folk would have a field day and some fun on this thread!...Oh well...Fickle is SF

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