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Syria - enough is enough

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My own opinion and being a muslim myself is that some muslims are straying from what Islam is really about and taking it to the extreme.

In the process they are making people fear Islam and in the Syrian conflict both sides are as bad as each other, Assad knows he will be killed if caught so is doing what he is to stay alive and in power.

The rebels are also killing inoccents including children and two wrongs don't make a right.

The spineless Arab League needs to grow a backbone and send in muslim troops to sort it out because lets be honest when western soldiers intervene some start comparing it with the crusades or saying why doesn't the west keep it's nose out etc etc..

The insulting the prophet film is one example, nothing wrong with peaceful protest but killing ambassadors and burning down cinema's in Pakistan!!

All they did was show themselves up for the idiots they are.

Yes the situation in Syria is bad, hopefully the madness will end soon...


sorry it is hard to understand for me ... I undestand some part ... yes insulting to Hz.Muhammed (s.a.v.) is so bad manners , yes it would be a react to this film , but it wouldt be kill the people , like usa envoy ...people should respect each other's faith . I hope nobody kill who make this film ...now there is reward on they head , who kill them will take money ... sorry for english ...

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My own opinion and being a muslim myself is that some muslims are straying from what Islam is really about and taking it to the extreme.

In the process they are making people fear Islam and in the Syrian conflict both sides are as bad as each other, Assad knows he will be killed if caught so is doing what he is to stay alive and in power.

The rebels are also killing inoccents including children and two wrongs don't make a right.

The spineless Arab League needs to grow a backbone and send in muslim troops to sort it out because lets be honest when western soldiers intervene some start comparing it with the crusades or saying why doesn't the west keep it's nose out etc etc..

The insulting the prophet film is one example, nothing wrong with peaceful protest but killing ambassadors and burning down cinema's in Pakistan!!

All they did was show themselves up for the idiots they are.

Yes the situation in Syria is bad, hopefully the madness will end soon...


Good points, especially re the Arab League, I agree Assad knows he could end up like Gadaffi or Hussein and his opponents are after his blood - time for the Muslim heirarchy to speak out perhaps - I understand the feeling that replacing one bad regime with another is not worth sacrificing our troops

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My own opinion and being a muslim myself is that some muslims are straying from what Islam is really about and taking it to the extreme.

In the process they are making people fear Islam and in the Syrian conflict both sides are as bad as each other, Assad knows he will be killed if caught so is doing what he is to stay alive and in power.

The rebels are also killing inoccents including children and two wrongs don't make a right.

The spineless Arab League needs to grow a backbone and send in muslim troops to sort it out because lets be honest when western soldiers intervene some start comparing it with the crusades or saying why doesn't the west keep it's nose out etc etc..

The insulting the prophet film is one example, nothing wrong with peaceful protest but killing ambassadors and burning down cinema's in Pakistan!!

All they did was show themselves up for the idiots they are.

Yes the situation in Syria is bad, hopefully the madness will end soon...


My response is the same as Cressida's.

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perhaps we are just being softened up for intervention.....you never know


After all the slaughter in Iraq and the shambles in Afghanistan no western leader in his wildest nightmare would send the military to intervene.


We would be stuck there for years making yet another futile attempt at nation building and bringing "freedom and democracy" to Syria


Very sorry but they way it seems the Syrians are going to have to deal with this one themselves.

Even Assad's ally Iran hasnt sent in military personnel to help him stay in power. That should make it clear what the situation is.

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After all the slaughter in Iraq and the shambles in Afghanistan no western leader in his wildest nightmare would send the military to intervene.


We would be stuck there for years making yet another futile attempt at nation building and bringing "freedom and democracy" to Syria


Very sorry but they way it seems the Syrians are going to have to deal with this one themselves.

Even Assad's ally Iran hasnt sent in military personnel to help him stay in power. That should make it clear what the situation is.


Even if the US goverment wanted to intervene they would never do it so close to an election would they,not that i would want any western nation to get involved,but the "Save the Children" organisation are releasing statements,and quite right that they should.


Lets hope the UN talks that are going on,can have some influence in the right direction,with a peaceful settlement in the outcome.

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No one can intervene unless it is Russia.

The Syrians laugh at the UN.They have no standing with them whatsoever and they hold the west in contempt.


Its easy to say why don`t we intervene you are not going to be one of the pilots that are killed.

Syria has the most advanced air defenses of the middle east.

They have 4 armed divisions,1 being the air defense division with 40000 men.


They have the Russian S300 missile system.From wiki...


"The S-300 is regarded as one of the most potent anti-aircraft missile systems currently fielded.[3] Its radars have the ability to simultaneously track up to 100 targets while engaging up to 12. S-300 deployment time is five minutes.[3] The S-300 missiles are sealed rounds and require no maintenance over their lifetime."


Its a doable invasion but not easy or they would have done it already.Anyone who supports it should be willing for friendly soldiers to die in a conflict that has nothing to do with us.



Also please stop watching the news and believing it.No one wants the terrorist scum running the country why do you think normal Syrians are not joining them.The FSA commit horrendous atrocities and blame it on the government for propaganda.



Syria: Christians take up arms for first time....


The Christian community has tried to avoid taking sides in the civil war. In

Aleppo, it recruited vigilantes from the Boy Scout movement to protect

churches, but as the war moved into the city and spread across its suburbs

they have begun to accept weapons from the

army and joined forces with Armenian groups to repel opposition guerrillas.



Disgusting scum that need eradicating.

Google" Barbaric Ramadan Beheading Of Prisoner By 'Free Syrian Army' "

Can`t link it because of the content.


I could link hundreds of these.

I should point out that a lot of the FSA are not even Syrian.


If you want to support fundamentalists go ahead.Look at both sides first though not what sky news and the BBC tell you.

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I was watching the news on Sky while I was out and hearing horror stories of childrens' throats being cut, of children being lined up as a shields - surely something can be done - what is the worst that can happen to countries such as the UK, USA and maybe others if they defy the UN and invade Syria?



In years to come it may become a shameful blot on the history of the world if we allowed this to happen


So you heard stories, but did you see any proof it was of Assad's doing?

You need to very careful of propaganda at a time like this.


Remember the old Saddam's troops throwing babies out of incubators and other tales?

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Good points, especially re the Arab League, I agree Assad knows he could end up like Gadaffi or Hussein and his opponents are after his blood - time for the Muslim heirarchy to speak out perhaps - I understand the feeling that replacing one bad regime with another is not worth sacrificing our troops


Its ok saying that but the Syrian army is better than most of the middle east especially the other arab armies.


If any other country tried to intervene without US backing it would immediately draw Iran in to back Syria up as Syrias main ally bringing in the whole middle east into a war between Sunni`s and Shiites.Its sectarian already.

The Alawites (a branch of Shiite Muslims) in Syria know for certain they will be executed if caught and fight accordingly.


Petrol then triples in price and brings western economies to their knees.

There is a lot more to it than saving a few people.


You can also google ...


"Execution In Street By 'Free Syrian Army' - 25 Prisoners Tied And Blindfolded"


This is what the BBC never show.One of hundreds of videos of executions.This is why the Assad regime will never back down or surrender.They are summarily executed in the street.

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Even if the US goverment wanted to intervene they would never do it so close to an election would they,not that i would want any western nation to get involved,but the "Save the Children" organisation are releasing statements,and quite right that they should.


Lets hope the UN talks that are going on,can have some influence in the right direction,with a peaceful settlement in the outcome.


They wont intervene. THe military are worn from Iraq and 11 years in Afghanistan. There have been too many rotations of soldiers, families have been broken up and too many soldiers suffering from traumatic stress disorders plus an ever increasing number of suicides by soldiers who just cant.

take being sent to Afganistan again.


We dont need a repeat of that happening in Syria. Let the Arab League or the Russians and Chinese deal with it . All those two have been doing is sitting back and raking in the money from arms sales to Assad. America doesnt need to play the part of the chump



As for the children that's always a tragedy but that's a biproduct of any war.

No kids suffered like those in WW2 and after the war the allies at one time denied food to thousands of starving children in Germany, many of them orphans and some crippled or missing limbs, living in bombed out ruins


It's a rotten world and that's all there is to it.

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And that's an utterly unrealistic response. You simply cannot get rid of a belief system that's followed by a substantial percentage of the world's population.


The most anyone can realistically hope to achieve is to marginalise extremists and promote and support moderates.


Yep, I fully agree with you, but everytime we attempt this it worsens the situation.One persons extremist is another persons hero.

To quote Tony Benn, one persons Freedom fighter is another persons terrorist.

How many of our lives, the lives of youg people, some driven into the forces through unemployment, is it worth sacrificing to this unwinnable situation ???

Stopping short of 'Nuking' renegade factions I dont know any answers.

Its like stepping into an argument between a man and his wife. After a while they both turn on YOU.:)

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