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Spanish demand dissolution of parliament. Occupy Congress.

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Reports say that on Tuesday afternoon thousands of Spaniards will attend a demonstration organized behind the slogan ‘Occupy Congress’.


According to a statement released by Madrid's regional Interior Ministry delegation on Tuesday, more than 1,300 police officers would be deployed to protect the building during parliament's plenary session in the late afternoon.


However, organizers said protestors would not try to storm the parliament building.


Protestors are demanding Parliament to be dissolved and fresh elections held, saying that Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy failed to keep the promises he made before the November election.


Earlier on Saturday, hundreds of Spaniards took to streets of Madrid to protest against the government’s austerity measures.


Demonstrators read out manifestoes as they made their way to the Bank of Spain, Health and Education Ministries, and Parliament.


They stopped outside the health ministry to protest cuts on health care.




Riot police have ringed the Spanish parliament in Madrid as protesters gather for a march against austerity tagged "Occupy Congress".


Metal barriers have been placed around the building to block access from every possible direction, correspondents say.


Indignants, as the protesters are known, say they are protesting at the "kidnapping" of democracy.


Spain's provinces have piled pressure on the government with a possible new bailout request and an early election.


Andalucia is considering asking for a 4.9bn euro (£3.9bn; $6.3bn) emergency credit line from the central government, a spokeswoman for the regional government confirmed for Reuters news agency.


Three other regions - Catalonia, Valencia and Murcia - have already said they will seek emergency funds.


Tough times in Spain.


Recently authorities have begun locking up bins to stop people scavenging for food.




Girona, the second largest city in the northeastern autonomous region of Catalonia, is trying to prevent people rooting through rubbish containers of discarded food, a practice that is growing with the deepening economic crisis.

The municipality said in a statement that it had taken the decision along with supermarket owners "due to the health risks that could arise from eating food thrown into the bins and the social alarm it causes."

In some places fights regularly break out as people struggle to retrieve the best food from the containers at closing time when supermarkets clear the shelves of out of date stock.

Alongside padlocking the bins, Girona council has adopted a scheme to direct the needy to special distribution centres where they can receive a food basket containing essential items.

The city is the first in Spain to bring in the measure designed to tackle the growing nationwide problem of bin scavenging.

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Spain's problem is getting it's fiscal house in order. That's the task that the Spanish government faces and unfortunately it involves cuts to programs that nobody likes.


The EU will loan money to Spain this time probably but it wont to do so in the future until the Spanish politicians get their act together.


Spain like Greece has for far too long relied on tourism as it's main source of income and it's tax collection system is more than likely riddled with corruption and ineffective

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The police seem to be using batons indiscriminately , very violent . Protestors backing off and holding their hands up to show they are peaceful , yet still being attacked and beaten with batons , and hauled off to G4S-type police vans .


Why aren't the BBC and Sky showing this ? BBC currently talking about contaminated flood water , Sky showing Press review with Lord What'sisname ( I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out ) Brockett ) and Ann Diamond ..........


Why do I have to find out about this on a Russian channel , RT ?

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The police seem to be using batons indiscriminately , very violent . Protestors backing off and holding their hands up to show they are peaceful , yet still being attacked and beaten with batons , and hauled off to G4S-type police vans .


Why aren't the BBC and Sky showing this ? BBC currently talking about contaminated flood water , Sky showing Press review with Lord What'sisname ( I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out ) Brockett ) and Ann Diamond ..........


Why do I have to find out about this on a Russian channel , RT ?


Probably because to most people the current floods and terrible weather conditions in the UK are more important to them then a bunch of Occupy protestors in Spain .

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Large anti-austerity protests across Europe are deliberately not covered by Sky or the BBC because we might just get the idea to protest ourselves once we see the scale of the public outrage against austerity measures .

As a taxpayer in this country I'm truly disgusted that "our" government are quite happy to let A4e boss emma harrison pay herself a £6,800,000 bonus for doing what appears to be a pretty crap job at finding people work . At the same time Atos are shafting the genuinely disabled ... They are all in it together . Maybe we need to start thinking about alternatives to protesting in the street and approach protest in a different way ?

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