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Spanish demand dissolution of parliament. Occupy Congress.

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Large anti-austerity protests across Europe are deliberately not covered by Sky or the BBC because we might just get the idea to protest ourselves once we see the scale of the public outrage against austerity measures .

As a taxpayer in this country I'm truly disgusted that "our" government are quite happy to let A4e boss emma harrison pay herself a £6,800,000 bonus for doing what appears to be a pretty crap job at finding people work . At the same time Atos are shafting the genuinely disabled ... They are all in it together . Maybe we need to start thinking about alternatives to protesting in the street and approach protest in a different way ?


I think you've hit the nail on the head. At the end of the day SKY and BBC serve their own interests first, and that is the interests of the very rich. Those whose bank balances are still increasing rapidly!

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Spain's problem is getting it's fiscal house in order. That's the task that the Spanish government faces and unfortunately it involves cuts to programs that nobody likes.


The EU will loan money to Spain this time probably but it wont to do so in the future until the Spanish politicians get their act together.


Spain like Greece has for far too long relied on tourism as it's main source of income and it's tax collection system is more than likely riddled with corruption and ineffective


I suggest you do some further reading before making any more errors in your appraisal of the Spanish problem. Try here for starters.... http://www.golemxiv.co.uk/2012/06/the-eurofiscal-corruption-contest-the-spanish-entry/


If they are anything like Occupy Sheffield then the Spanish Government aint got owt to worry about. They will probably pitch a few tents ,leave them empty for a few weeks and abuse a spanish church minister.


Do you do a daily search on here for Occupy and then spout your usual spittle?


The police seem to be using batons indiscriminately , very violent . Protestors backing off and holding their hands up to show they are peaceful , yet still being attacked and beaten with batons , and hauled off to G4S-type police vans .


Why aren't the BBC and Sky showing this ? BBC currently talking about contaminated flood water , Sky showing Press review with Lord What'sisname ( I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out ) Brockett ) and Ann Diamond ..........


Why do I have to find out about this on a Russian channel , RT ?


If you want to find out about protests in Europe or USA use RT or Al Jazerra. If you want to find out about the same in Russia use Al Jazerra or Sky. Very transparent are certain government stations.

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Earlier this year I saw a Look North programme interviewing striking local public sector workers in Leeds , dinner ladies , lollipop ladies etc .. One lady conclude her interview by saying ( shock horror) ".. and the rich are getting richer " , this was the best bit of the interview , and when I watched it that evening at my OH's , we watched it together .... her final comments had been conveniently edited out by "Auntie Beeb"- now , if that's not censorship I don't know what is !


As for f@@£ing Sky , they were quite happy to let some blond business Bimbo state on national tv that it was a good thing for the uk that Wonga made a 268% profit last year . Sky , BE ASHAMED , VERY ASHAMED , PS does anybody respect piglet Eamon Holmes ???

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