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Refused access to medical specialist without painkillers

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To cut through the crap (If you're actually interested in hearing the truth, OWD)


The system under the NHS require that you 'work your way' up the hill.


First you see a GP. A highly qualified medical practitioner.


Then you see a GP

Then you see a GP


Then (eventually) you might get to see a specialist.


Ordinarily, it works. Most people in the UK get adequate treatment (they might have to wait years to get it, but they do [eventually] get it.)


i have the misfortune to live in countries which do not have an NHS.


In Germany, when I want to see a specialist I tell the guy who is looking after me which specialist I want to see and why.


We agree (I too have been living in my body fro more than 60 years) and I go there.


In the US, we've already been there. My 'primary care' specialist sent me to a cardio and and endocrinologist. (In February)


The cardio is (as I'd hoped) sending me out for a re-build (If it works, it will be Rupert Borg ... not Rupert Baehr) in a couple of weeks time.


I do feel sorry for you, One Wheel Dave. - It is difficult to watch people suffer.


What can we, the forum members (who have no say in what the doctors say)

do to help?


If you want a couple of weeks in the sun (if you feel that would help) PM me.



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Rupert, when was the last time you had experience of the NHS?


If he wants help then he should follow the advice of his doctor, he's been offered help & refused it.


In the US it's in the doctor's interest to give you as much 'treatment' as possible whether you need it or not, because that's how they make their money. They give lots of treatment, make you feel good about spending all that money, but then have worse health outcomes on average than the UK.

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