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A muse on the extraction of urine.

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People don't have to get themselves into huge debts or mortgages but chose to.


This is how it goes..


You get mortgaged up to the hilt because you chose to, you invest in a private pension because you chose to. That pension will be classed as income so will be subject to means testing. You then get old and infirm and have to sell that property on to pay for your health bills because of means testing.


Is the above worth it?


You have to live somewhere, you can either buy and pay your own mortgage and get something at the end or rent and pays someone elses with nothing at the end.


Ditto a pension, you have a choice between that or poverty in your old age.


I'm not talking about bringing in mean testing for health care and the kind of services which bankrupt you, but paying out benefits which are effectively a bung to the wealthy is wrong, and these benefits in many cases are just that.

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Seems to be the general mood that it's fine and dandy to cosh pensioners and means test them whether "wealthy" or not...and to look the other way whilst your elected representatives rob you blind.

Sometimes I despair.

Hands up anyone out there who knows the difference between kneeling down and bending over.


It's not an either or situation is it?


I don't think MPs should get an extortionate amount of money for food each month, but I don't think these benefits should be paid to the wealthy either.

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