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Tories selling off NHS to their Party Donors.

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Well' date=' I would if I felt I was in error; especially since you showed me that courtesy. This, however, reads like a dismissal to me:[/quote']


Jack, If you think that reads like a dismissal, that would be your opinion, and if I had not already have stated it was not directly to you previously on this thread, you would be entitled to it :D

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Do you really think? I am not a Labour supporter, and think that some of their steps which enabled the private sector to further profit out of the NHS were beyond the pale (PFI hospitals, for example). However, I honestly don't believe that they would have entertained the Health and Social Care Act, given the way it will allow the private sector to make profit while also allowing them to leave "expensive" patients untreated.


Why do you think it was any different under the previous government?


As PeteMorris says, I think some snouts are longer than others.


Perhaps, though you have to wonder some times



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Why do you think it was any different under the previous government?


Because the new act places no obligation on CCGs to fund all patients across their geographical area of responsibility, enabling the "any qualified provider" to select the patients they want to treat (as the ITCs do now and were enabled to do by Labour) but without having to provide the safety net that the PCTs have had to do up until now.

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We all know that politicians of ALL parties are on the take........thats not saying that ALL politicians are on the take.

Its just that the Torys have got more feet in their [our ??] trough ..................

You'll switch on your telly and hear " Want a hip replacement ??? Phone Wonga.com...

You know who Wonga..com is. They are those nice people who charge poor sods 4000% APR for payday loans............They are also huge contributors to the Tory Party.

Their Chairman also wrote a white paper this/last year suggesting benefits should be cut. SINCE WHEN HAS HE BEEN AN ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE OF ANYONE ???????????????

But he is, after all, a friend of Smarmy Dave. Does Smarmy Dave use Wonga's services ??, I doubt it.


You could argue the same for Labour's £2 million donation from the unions. They do pretty much the same in dictating policy, but they do it through threatening strike action.

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