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Memories of Pitsmoor


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This picture was taken by the playground in Sutherland Road (1961 according to the photographer).




Also of Earsham Street, around the same time.




But this and other pictures in Mary Evans' library below are available from




at a more sensible price.



There are also other pictures of Roger Mayne's of Sheffield city centre, Parkhill and the Rag & Tag market in the first 250 pictures on this link.




and if you search for Picture No 10003272 you will find one of Harleston Street.



This was taken on Carlisle Street




(and more pictures of Parkhill in the same sequence.)




Ref Picture No 10197589 as well as Ref: 10197562


My guess is this picture was taken in one of the Carlisle Street area pubs as well




And finally, the marvelous skyline from before my time, but always to be remembered




Picture No 10282853

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  • 3 months later...
This picture was taken by the playground in Sutherland Road (1961 according to the photographer).




Also of Earsham Street, around the same time.




But this and other pictures in Mary Evans' library below are available from




at a more sensible price.



There are also other pictures of Roger Mayne's of Sheffield city centre, Parkhill and the Rag & Tag market in the first 250 pictures on this link.




and if you search for Picture No 10003272 you will find one of Harleston Street.



This was taken on Carlisle Street




(and more pictures of Parkhill in the same sequence.)




Ref Picture No 10197589 as well as Ref: 10197562


My guess is this picture was taken in one of the Carlisle Street area pubs as well




And finally, the marvelous skyline from before my time, but always to be remembered




Picture No 10282853


The first photo is of Babur Road. You can just see the first railing of the playground in the right of the picture. We called it Little Wembley. On the left of the picture is Sutherland Road Baths and in the distance is All Saints Church.

Every building on this photograph has been demolished. Some great photos on this post. Thanks geocol, you've brought back some great memories.

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..Every building on this photograph has been demolished. Some great photos on this post. Thanks geocol, you've brought back some great memories.
A pleasure.

I know what you mean, nearly every building I have ever worked in has been demolished as well !


To order prints from "Mediastore", I found the best way was to first

obtain the reference number from the

Mary Evans' website; http://www.maryevans.com/search.php


initially limiting your search to Sheffield 20th century ( there's plenty of good stuff from both 19th and 20th centuries, and not just for Pitsmoor either)



and then enter the reference number in the search box on



These are some of the reference numbers -

10074213 selects Roger Mayne's Sutherland Road/Babur Road picture;

10197562 the man walking along Carlisle Street

4380943 Boys playing in Earsham Street

10003272 Harleston Street

10282853 Beautiful Sheffield.


They are not all available on Mediastore, but most of the ones for Sheffield seem to be.

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I feel as though I ought to be able to recognise and identify where this was, but can't.




(Might have been over the Grimesthorpe boder ?)


or this anyone ?



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  • 2 months later...
While everybody has their memories in high gear, and before people who grew up in other parts of Sheffield get sick of the name "Pitsmoor", lets try and take one more trip down memory lane. Do you remember:


When Pye Bank School was an ambulance depot during the war ? They used to park the ambulances under the sheds in the girls playground.


Gas Mask and Air Raid Shelter practice at Pye Bank? I wonder how long they kept doing it ,even after the war had ended?


The static water tank they built next to the school? Remember some kids used to try and swim in it in summer and skate on it in winter - with near fatal results. Incidentally, I remember the pipe from the tank going down Grey Street but I've no idea how the water got from there into town. Did it go down Chatham Street and along Corporation Street or along Nursery Street and over Lady's Bridge?


There was a lot of good memories about the "White House" chippy on Andover Street but do you remember the bakery on the other side of the street. nearer to Nottingham Sreet? Do you remember the penny sticky buns?


Lastly, something a bit more macabre. Does anybody remember the circular shelter in middle of the main avenue in Burngreave Cemetery? It had glass on all sides and people of my mothers generation (b 1907) used to call it "The Band Stand". It did look like a band stand but I'm sure a band never played there. It was still there in 1961, when we buried my Grand Mother, but I think it was demolished when they removed

most of the head stones. The site became a circular flower bed


OK, you can start remembering!


You certainly opened a can of worms, Pitsmoor.I remember getting dragged up Gray St,first day at school Pye Bank,and the Mattresses piled up against that big window at the front of the school,which I found out in later years were used for people to sleep on who got bombed out. went to the White House Chippy as well and also The Sticky Bun Shop,penny sticky bun,I also remember giving the owner funny looks wondering if it was a man or woman with he or she straight back hair with brylcream,also Andover St.used to go to school that way , instead of Fox Hill,Certainly remember Burngreave Cemetery walked up the hill past it to Burngreave School,and took Papers for Cutts newsagent on Rock St,I lived on Fitzalan St thanks for the memories

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