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Angry atheists rant thread.

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Just thought of the idea.

Think they need their own platform.


No you haven't.


Thing is, Janie, you've started this thread before.


If you're desperate for some attention you'd be better off joining a club, or going to church or something.

Edited by Lockjaw
"off" not "of"
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Angry people with a mission always find a platform. It could be angry Muslims denouncing infidels, angry Christians shoving pictures of aborted foetus in women's faces or angry atheists calling people mentally ill if they don't subscribe to their belief system.


All cut from the same hateful cloth.

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there is no god!!. there that should cover all bases.
Oh But there is!..............God exists in each and everyone of us,and God is the sum total of all that is good in humanity.The Devil,(not my favourite term for all that is bad within us) tends to confuse the issue even more.

When you pray!.....or (talk to yourself) or to a (higher energy force you may conceive as God) You are basically linking to a more positive force that is good for you.History has proved this............yes, you can live a socially acceptable life by not ever setting foot inside a church,mosque,temple,or knocking on peoples doors,but some people, to get good at anything, feel they may have to join a club with like minded people,whether a golf club,crib club, football club etc.

Some conceive God as a simple energy force for good,that just wants the best for your life,.............sure, you can sign up for the alternative as lots have,even who those purport to have signed up for God.

God and the Devil........or good and evil....or good behaviour versus bad behaviour ( all the same really) seems centre stage to all human existence.

Sometimes it seems that bad behaviour( termed "sin" in a bygone age) takes more centre stage these days!

I am the first to admit that I still at times struggle with it all.although I have found that the power of prayer works, and that when I give,without thought of reward.............I always receive more than I ever gave (how strange is that).

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I gather that, I'm using him especially as an example to show that by writing his books he is also pointing out those failures as many other also do[/Quote]


That still has nothing to do with your saying

Its the duty of every atheist to point out the failings of religion and what religion has done for society[/Quote]


Richard Dawkins (and others) views on religion have nothing to do with atheists having a duty to point out the failings of religion. Some atheists (like Dawkins) may have opinions on religion, which he is perfectly entitled to, but that doesn't mean atheists, by default, have to have those same opinions.


Why do you think we have such lively debates on SF with the God religions vs atheists. Whether a duty or not atheists on here are ready to point them out so must feel duty bound to do so.


BTW I believe in a God but not religion.


As I said in my first reply, I'm an atheist, I'm also religious. What I consider the failings of religion are people, those same failings are present in the non religious, and I don't feel 'duty bound' to point out those failings, on the contrary, I think people are capable of amazing acts of good, religious or otherwise, and this is far more worthy of being highlighted.

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Its the duty of every atheist to point out the failings of religion and what religion has done for society.

No it's not.


I think Richard Dawkins would disagree with that and so would many of the other atheist authors.


I can guarantee you that Dawkins and most of the Dawkins influenced atheists would not disagree, as, whenever they get involved in these discussions, they are quite adament that 'atheism' is merely 'an absense of belief' (in a God).


Many times non-atheists argue against them by saying that, for example, atheists believe god doesn't exist, or, attribute any number of other beliefs to atheists- their stock reply, time and again, is to assert that 'atheism' is not a positive belief, but, rather, an absence of belief.

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I call them militant atheists, not all of them though just the ones who resort to insulting religion/religious beliefs.




What does a Christian have to do to be labelled militant?


Even those westborough baptist church scum rarely get labelled as militant, and they hold up signs and chant slogans that are deliberately as offensive as can be at peoples funerals. No you pretty much need to blow someone up or have a bit of mob violence to be labelled a militant christian.


What does a Muslim have to do to be labelled militant?


Pretty much the same as a christian, they need to blow someone up or have a nice protest where they call for the death of some blasphemer.


What does an atheist have to be to be labelled militant?


Argue about religion on the internet, possibly whilst enjoying a quiet cup of tea.

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