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Angry atheists rant thread.

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You said 'combative' earlier, dropped that one now you realise it sort of applies.




If we're talking about combative, aggressive, goading and insulting as being militant, what about all those militant football fans that are on the terraces every Saturday afternoon? Damn militant football fans, who do they think they are?:hihi:

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The fact remains that the term 'militant atheist' has been established as a derogatory term to equate internet discussion with fanatical religionists. It's even acquired an urban dictionary reference.


So you'd agree then, that the term has aquired 'common usage'?





This is why I am asking for a specific example of somebody (not anonymous) doing precisely what you claim happens, so we might debate the relevance of your label. Since you have claimed the label is relevant for "people like Dawkins" why not pick an example of when the label can be applied to him.

If I do, it'll just spark off a long, tedious debate where some agree that Dawkins (in the example I'm not going to give) was being insulting, and, others say that he wasn't. I've got better things to do my my time :) especially given that I've got a perfectly good general case already.
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If we're talking about combative, aggressive, goading and insulting as being militant, what about all those militant football fans that are on the terraces every Saturday afternoon? Damn militant football fans, who do they think they are?:hihi:


What about them?


Look matey :) it's been long established that you disagree with my definition of militant, yes?


I've made it clear that I understand that you have a different understanding of the term.


I've also made it clear that I'm happy with my understanding of it.


So, let's just agree to dissagree, rather than you making your fingers sore with a load of typing that isn't going to make me change my view on the term.

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Why be so touchy about being called a militant atheist Richard Dawkins doesn't seem to mind it.


Bear in mind Janie, that it's not the atheist being touchy- it's the person behind the atheist, because, the only characteristic an atheist can possess, is a 'lack of belief' :)


In actual fact, Dawkins isn't an atheist, because, if he were, that would mean there was an atheist who was Dawkins, which is impossible, because the act of being Dawkins, is somehting other than a 'lack of belief': therefore no atheist could be a Dawkins.

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Why be so touchy about being called a militant atheist Richard Dawkins doesn't seem to mind it.


Because not everyone is Richard Dawkins.


For myself I'd object as it's used as a pejorative term, in the same way you'd probably object if I called you something derogatory.

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What about them?


Look matey :) it's been long established that you disagree with my definition of militant, yes?


I've made it clear that I understand that you have a different understanding of the term.


I've also made it clear that I'm happy with my understanding of it.


So, let's just agree to dissagree, rather than you making your fingers sore with a load of typing that isn't going to make me change my view on the term.


So could we call you narrowminded in your militancy then..?

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Originally Posted by six45ive



But I'm not accepting your clearly false position that, just because the debater is an atheist, he is arguing an atheist 'ideology' and therefore you're justified in calling him a militant atheist.

The non stamp collector is a good analogy. If a non stamp collector was attacking a stamp collector for collecting stamps and insulted him in an aggressive, bullying manner for doing so then you wouldn't call him a militant non stamp collector. That would be ridiculous. Only an idiot would do that. You would just call the guy out on what he's actually doing (being aggressive and a bully) and not looking to enflame the situation or troll him by claiming that he's something he's clearly not.....or, in other words, a strawman.


I don't. i think it's a really bad example, and, even if unitentionally, is effectively a misdirection/distraction. So I'll refrain from commenting on it.


Because you can't comment on it. Because you know that I, and the other atheists here, have got your number on this. We understand perfectly what you're trying to do and it's not working. It's not working because it's clearly fallacious as well as troll like but it's nice to give a troll a good kicking now and again. Or am I being too militant now?;)


But if, as you say, atheism is soley a lack of belief (in god), and, when an atheist is being militant, it's actually the person that is militant, and not the atheist: then, by the same reaoning, wouldn't it be the person, rather than the atheist, who felt that religion is harmful, and, the person (not the atheist), using what ever approach they feel necessary?


There's no 'as I say' about it but yes, the rest of your post is correct as I understand it.

My atheism is just a small part of me and of my secular humanist, antitheist, sceptic, freethinking ideology.

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