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Angry atheists rant thread.

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Using Hitchens, theism is the belief that God(s) not only exists, but takes an active role in controling and directing human life.


He uses the term deism to be a belief that God exists. Thomas Paine was a deist. (The Age of Reason)


Okay, but you were talking about ant-theism. So by Hitchens' definition of theism, his definition of anti-theism (the one which you gave earlier) would apply better to anti-deism. Am I wrong?

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You're equating sceptics with hate filled preachers with the statement, just like you are equating atheists with terrorists when you use the term "militant atheist".



No I'm not. I've said that sceptics are sometimes verbally violent.


You've taken 'violence' to be at the same level as that displayed by fundamentalist religious ranting nutters :)


Verbal violence can be quite mild, taking the form of, for example, needless counter-productive insults and goading, of the variety used by some sceptics.

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his definition of anti-theism would apply better to anti-deism. Am I wrong?

Deism has work to do to prove that God exists.

Theism has work to do to prove that God cares for us and takes a role in our lives.


Anti-theism is opposed to the idea that God takes a role in our lives.

Atheism is not believing in God, and thus not believing that a God takes a role in our lives.

Adeism is not believing that God exists, and is thus atheism at the same time by proxy.


I may be wrong. This is my understanding of the ways in which Hitchens uses the terms.

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Anti-theist, as I understand it from Hitchens, is that even if it was proven that God did exist, they'd oppose them. They wouldn't worship them anyway. It's not a positive statement that "God doesn't exist".



Am I wrong?


In part Chris. As I understand it antitheism is about being against the privileges of religiosity and the effects it has on people and society in general so, in principle, you could be a theist antitheist (ie; believe in a deity but also believe that the effects of religion on people society are harmful and should be criticised).:D


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I know he got it wrong which is why I'm calling him a gnostic atheist.:roll:


I know 'you know he got it wrong which is why you're calling him a gnostic atheist': I've not said otherwise :)


I was simply pointing it out as an example of a sceptic who, like most of the general public, consider atheism to mean "belief that God does not exist".

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