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Angry atheists rant thread.

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Just thought of the idea.

Think they need their own platform.


I call them militant atheists, not all of them though just the ones who resort to insulting religion/religious beliefs.

Some say religious people are intolorant but some militant atheists can be very intolorant themselves like the one other day (Doris Night) who posted a post with a supposed drawing of the Prophet Mohammed and stated this is my drawing of the Prophet or the ones who started all the does god threads at the weekend.

On the other hand there are also atheists on here that are the exact opposite so I think the word militant instead of angry in the title would be more appropiate.

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I wasn't replying to Richard Dawkins.



I gather that, I'm using him especially as an example to show that by writing his books he is also pointing out those failures as many other also do. Why do you think we have such lively debates on SF with the God religions vs atheists. Whether a duty or not atheists on here are ready to point them out so must feel duty bound to do so.


BTW I believe in a God but not religion.

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