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Angry atheists rant thread.

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Interesting you bring that up - do you really think that's the case? I've heard people espouse that view and always thought it was an odd one to have.


If i had time i might be able to provide a few sources that would surprise some of them.


I know this man would,for starters.



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If i had time i might be able to provide a few sources that would surprise some of them.


I know this man would,for starters.




Georges Lemaître could be quite combative, particularly with Einstein, with regards to scientific theories.


Quite the militant Christian was Georges.

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If i had time i might be able to provide a few sources that would surprise some of them.


I know this man would,for starters.




Are you really so naive that you don't realise most atheists understand only too well that, historically, most people we view as scientists were also religious to some extent. Science was initially thought to be the method whereby god could be revealed to mankind. Unfortunately for them, discoveries made showed that no divine creation was necessary for both the universe and life to come into being. Both could come about from purely naturalistic forces. This inevitably led to most scientists losing their religion as it was shown to be the charade that most people today know it to be.

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A thread for angry atheists! Time to get a few things off my chest.


1) I'm angry when I read that theists deny women birth control.

2) I'm angry when I see impoverished & malnourished families living on rubbish dumps because their countries flavour of theism denies them birth control.

3) I'm angry when I read that people, in places like Africa, are dying of AIDs because theists have convinced them that condoms are evil.

4) I'm angry when I read that children are being tortured and killed because theists believe those children are witches or possessed by evil spirits.

5) I'm angry when I read that theists deny children medical care in favour of faith-healing.

6) I'm angry when I read that theists, who abuse children, are protected by their religious organisations & governments.

7) I'm angry when I read that theists, who have been involved in other atrocities, are protected by their religious organisations & governments.

8 ) I'm angry when I see theists slaughtering each other because of their theism.

9) I'm angry when I see theists use the rubbish in their sacred books to further perpetuate the hatred of other theists, gays and non-theists.

10) I'm angry when theists create laws, or attempt to create laws that will see the execution or imprisonment of gays, other theists and non-theists.

11) I'm angry when theists create laws that, with the threat of execution, imprisonment or fine, protect them from criticism.

12) I'm angry when theists claim that gays, non-believers, or those of a different theism, are responsible for natural disasters.

13) I'm angry when theists dishonestly misinform others about science and medical research.

14) I'm angry when theists teach children non-evidence based theistic rubbish.

15) I'm angry that theists dishonestly misinform children about evidence based theories like evolution.

16) I'm angry when I read that theists claim the teaching of evidence based theories is responsible for any increase in suicide, crime, or negative behaviour.

17) I'm angry when I see theists segregating children according to their brand of theism.

18 ) I'm angry when I see theists denying others the same privileges and rights that they enjoy themselves.

19) I'm angry when I read news articles that, purposely, distort the facts.

20) I'm angry when I see or read about theists misinforming others about history.

21) I'm angry when theists cut chunks of flesh from a child because their silly theistic beliefs demand it.

22) I'm angry when theists criticise and quote-mine atheist material while never bothering to read, or read the full content of, that material.

23) I'm angry when wishy-washy theists continue to support, or put their name to, theistic organisations that encourage or take part in the above.

24) I'm angry when taxes support organisations that encourage or take part in the above.

25) I'm angry when people don't give a damn or ignore all of the above.

26) I'm angry when I hear theists claim and teach that not being theist means you can't be good.

27) I'm angry about many other things...


And just to avoid any nit-picking, I don't mean all theists when I say theists.


Happy now.

Thank you Janie.

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You are aware the OED documents usage and not correctness, aren't you? If enough people say "white is a very dark colour indistinguishable from black" it will eventually appear in the OED.


Depends very much on what you mean by 'correctness'?


What document do we have to check to find out if a word is 'correct'?


Now, all I said was that 'innit' apears in the OED; and, I'd add that it's most definitly acheived 'common usage' status, innit? :)

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Depends very much on what you mean by 'correctness'?


What document do we have to check to find out if a word is 'correct'?


Now, all I said was that 'innit' apears in the OED; and, I'd add that it's most definitly acheived 'common usage' status, innit? :)


I was just pointing out that the OED shouldn't be taken to be a source of correct English.


Interestingly, the earliest quote it has for militant is this, from 1413:


"The chirche militant, that laboureth here in erthe."


chirche being an early spelling of church.


It has another from 1873:


"The Church is ever militant; sometimes she gains, sometimes she loses."



It doesn't have any link between atheists and militant though.

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