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Angry atheists rant thread.

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I don't agree that it's a misuse: but you know that already.


Again, I disagree, for reasons previously posted.


This is the whole point that you don't grasp and seem to be unable to accept. It doesn't matter whether you disagree or not. It's not about opinions. It's about factual information-some words get misinterpreted and misused leading to confusion over terminology. For you to keep saying that you don't agree doesn't change that fact.


Where slang is concerned, once it's fully entered common usage and worked it's way into a variety of respected dictionaries, it becomes a 'proper' word, innit? :)


Also, many of our current words were once themselves slang.


Yes, when a slang word is accepted by a society as a whole then it becomes accepted as a word with a usable meaning. Until then slang like innit is slang and will always remain slang.


But neither of the meanings of 'atheist' are incorrect, IMO (they are in your opinion)


So to repeat again, this is not some party political broadcast where you vote for how you want to use a word. My opinion doesn't matter and I tend not to have opinions anyway. I simply give out factual information. To have an opinion usually means you have some emotional attachment to it and I'm not interested in that, I'm only interested in the truth.:)


It's happened already, with some sub-groups of the black community happily using the word, some promoting as being a positve word etc. Other people (black and white) have objected strenuously to it- it still continues to be used and clearly, has more than one meaning now.


No, they 'happily' use a facsimilie of the word, if they used the actual word it would still come with the same meaning.


No-ones trying to re-define 'atheist'- it's got 2 meanings, neither of which is correct', other than in some people's opinion.


There is plenty of evidence out there that there has been an attempt to redefine atheist from quisquose's post about the use of the term during the McCarthy years to conflate atheism with communism. A clear as day example of how attempting to redefine a word can do so much damage.


As for the sceptical movement 'educating' anyone, it's got a really bad track record for that.


A very sweeping statement once again backed up by absolutely zero evidence.

As somebody who works in education I know only too well that you 'can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.':D


Partly because, though people generally want to 'learn', in doing so they like to be respected as human beings, not 'educated' by what they perceive through their inadequacies, insecurities and general inferiority complex, as a self appointed elite band of rather arrogant seeming individuals who, when confronted by someone with a differing opinion, automatically seem to dismiss them as wrong, deluded, or even stupid.

If the sceptical movement wants to move forward and acheive it's considerable potential to genuinely 'educate' people about scepticism and rationality, it needs to drag it's head out of the sand, realise that education is a 2 way process where the 'teacher' can learn as much as the 'learner', and, start listening to people who are not themselves part of the club.


Once again I've added to your statement so it reads more accurately.

On top of that, the whole point of education (outside of the arts and to some extent the humanities) is not about opinion. It's about understanding the world around us in the most realistic way possible. Therefore opinions are irrelelvant.

It's a shame you seem to be trapped in this mindset of 'everything is just an opinion and mine is just as relevant as yours' culturally relativistic claptrap. That's probably why people with your mindset are dismissed as wrong, deluded or stupid.;)


The reason I'm not involved currently in the sceptical movement, is cos I get the impression, that its meets consist of a group of people who already think in pretty much the same way, getting together for a ego-massaging session. That, to me, is a tragic waste.


:thumbsup:Absolutely, because when you have such a clear grasp on reality what other way is there of thinking that isn't deluded or just plain wrong?

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Six45ive, do you believe in god or not ??


It's a simple question


Here's a basic break down of my beliefs/non beliefs.


1/ I don't believe in god.

2/ I believe there are no gods.

3/ If a god could be proved to exist then I still wouldn't follow it, pray to it or worship it etc.....I think the idea or the realisation of a god would be inhuman and childish.

4/ I don't know that there aren't any gods.

5/ I'm as near to certainty as can be, without actually knowing, that there are no gods.

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Here's a basic break down of my beliefs/non beliefs.


1/ I don't believe in god.

2/ I believe there are no gods.

3/ If a god could be proved to exist then I still wouldn't follow it, pray to it or worship it etc.....I think the idea or the realisation of a god would be inhuman and childish.

4/ I don't know that there aren't any gods.

5/ I'm as near to certainty as can be, without actually knowing, that there are no gods.

Ok thank you

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Here's a basic break down of my beliefs/non beliefs.


1/ I don't believe in god.

2/ I believe there are no gods.

3/ If a god could be proved to exist then I still wouldn't follow it, pray to it or worship it etc.....I think the idea or the realisation of a god would be inhuman and childish.

4/ I don't know that there aren't any gods.

5/ I'm as near to certainty as can be, without actually knowing, that there are no gods.


The simple term non believer would suffice I presume.

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