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Angry atheists rant thread.

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You don't have to be religious to believe what God is but obviously I take it that you just don't understand it


I view religion as a device to control, that's what it does and that is what it is


I also don't view Christianity as a religion, just kinda a law but paul goes on faith alone and not the works of the law

Edited by Drone
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LOL...did you??


Your not controlling are you??


Oh I'm so controlling like a big controlling thing.

Seriously though, I take it you're some kind of deist or pantheist then? Please feel free to explain what you believe and why (do you see what I just did there? I used Matt Dillahunty's favourite opening line to theists:cool:;)).

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Oh I'm so controlling like a big controlling thing.

Seriously though, I take it you're some kind of deist or pantheist then? Please feel free to explain what you believe and why (do you see what I just did there? I used Matt Dillahunty's favourite opening line to theists:cool:;)).

No I don't term myself as anything, if anything I would say freethinker, if you want to describe me then you can use the word non-atheist if you want...call me what you like infact...i don't mind


I like Saul of Tarsus, he was one of the most intelligent people of his time

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Is he one of your disciples? Do you like being disciplined by him then?:hihi:

Haha..no he's not a disciple, he's a free spirit


He had alot of enemy's though


Maybe I can tell you about him one day, he gets ignored you see by christians


I don't blame christians though


I'm not going all religiously though when I say this, the real Saul is not documented

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I'm an atheist, and I'm totally happy to acknowledge that there are 2 equally valid difinitions of 'atheism'- so, now you both know an atheist who does not align themselves with just the first definition.


If you guys got out a bit more, you'd encounter many more atheists who don't fit into the narow category acknowledged by the 'sceptical' variety of atheist.


What narrow category? The definition I use is far more broad than any other, that was rather my whole point. Did you not read the rest of my post or only the bit that you chose to quote?


You're the one that's trying to define atheism narrowly, the definition I use includes all atheists. Sorry but you appear to have completely and utterly missed my point.


And I do go out, loads, and I've never met an atheist who doesn't fit into the definition of atheism that I use. And I'd be willing to bet that you haven't either. Please give me an example of a self-identifying atheist who does not fit my definition.

Edited by flamingjimmy
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Anyone read the book--The Rage Against God by Peter Hitchens.

I've had it recommended to me so i've ordered a copy.

I believe he started writing it after spending a period of time in Communist Russia.


I spent a little time their myself in 1980 during the Brezhnev period when i was going through a Marxist phase. I was influenced by the company i was keeping at the time.

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