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Angry atheists rant thread.

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So far, this is what I've got from you: Christianity isn't a religion it's a law. It's a law that is based on faith because the law of Moses teaches we are all sinners. Jesus took sin away after dying on a cross, but that's all BS because Christianity needed BS to base itself on.



If you ever go to see the pope, ask him

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Because jesus died for everyone and didn't sin, then he took the sin away.


I don't believe in jesus dying on the cross by the way, it was made up but christianity needed some kind of base otherwise it wouldn't have took off, if it wasent for apostle paul, you might not have got the freedom you have today.


I believe jesus to be modelled on Yeshua, who was a jewish imposter who claimed to be the messiah to the jews, they didn't believe him but he taught the jews and died a natural death, but he didn't fill the ten commandments in his lifetime and so is not considered the messiah, their still waiting for him


You speak this as if it's historical fact, how can you be so sure?

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You speak this as if it's historical fact, how can you be so sure?

Well I say in theory which I have to say as that isn't how it goes, but paul has contradicted christianity on purpose.


The Catholic Church know this and are keeping quiet, John Paul 2 apologised for the last 2000 years but didn't actually go into detail

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Well I say in theory which I have to say as that isn't how it goes, but paul has contradicted christianity on purpose.


The Catholic Church know this and are keeping quiet, John Paul 2 apologised for the last 2000 years but didn't actually go into detail


Drone why are you putting yourself in the position of being mocked.

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They can mock me all they like, if they want to believe jesus died on the cross, it's up to them


Drone, I wasn't mocking you. I agree that Christianity is founded on BS. I was just trying to find out how you came to that conclusion, that's all.:D

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What narrow category? The definition I use is far more broad than any other, that was rather my whole point. Did you not read the rest of my post or only the bit that you chose to quote?


You're the one that's trying to define atheism narrowly, the definition I use includes all atheists. Sorry but you appear to have completely and utterly missed my point.


And I do go out, loads, and I've never met an atheist who doesn't fit into the definition of atheism that I use. And I'd be willing to bet that you haven't either. Please give me an example of a self-identifying atheist who does not fit my definition.

I meant the narrow category of insisting that 'atheist' means 'without belief in God'- i.e. those who ignore the other, equally used definition of atheist as 'believes God does not exist'.

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I've only just noticed this...


So you believe that there is no God?


I said I was an atheist- I didn't say I believe there is no God. As I previously have stated on many occasions, I acknowledge both definitions of 'atheist' as being valid.



I know Jimmy has already pointed out (as I did earlier) that absence of faith is the broader category, not a narrow one. Do you really know any atheists who don't fit into this category?

I've never denied that absence of faith is a broader category (it is). However, clearly an atheist who believes God doesn't exist, is in a different category to one who doesn't believe in God- the first is making a positive claim (God doesn't exist), the second is making no claim.


And, I do know plenty of atheists who believe that God does not exist, in my experience, there are more of them than the other type of atheist.

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