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Angry atheists rant thread.

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By 'narrow category' I was talking about that minority of atheists in the sceptical community who steadfastly maintain, despite all evidence and reason to the contrary, that 'atheist' doesn't mean both "without belief in God", and "belief that God does not exist".

The you should really try to be clearer with your posts. Your comment was directly after mentioning the two definitions of atheism we have been discussing, indicating that your comment was about one of those...

I'm an atheist, and I'm totally happy to acknowledge that there are 2 equally valid difinitions of 'atheism'- so, now you both know an atheist who does not align themselves with just the first definition.


If you guys got out a bit more, you'd encounter many more atheists who don't fit into the narow category acknowledged by the 'sceptical' variety of atheist.




Wow! Is that a sceptical community 'in-joke' :) you guys must have such fun at your meets :)

No, it's a photoshopped image of Nicholas Cage. Which sceptical community do you think I'm part of and which "meets" do you think I attend?

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That's cos they are.






By believing it.



During your original argument, you claimed an atheist who believes god doesn't exist is making a positive claim. I picked up on this because you are confusing belief with statements of fact.


An atheist can believe a god doesn't exist without making the positive claim - as a statement of fact - that god does not exist.


Because your argument was sloppy, I was trying to help you correct, or clarify, what you meant.


So this: an atheist who believes God doesn't exist...is making a positive claim (God doesn't exist)


Should have been replaced with something like this: as atheist who claims god does not exist is making a positive claim.



It wouldn't, of course, have helped you much because, as others have pointed out, the rest of your argument is sloppy.

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During your original argument, you claimed an atheist who believes god doesn't exist is making a positive claim. I picked up on this because you are confusing belief with statements of fact.


An atheist can believe a god doesn't exist without making the positive claim - as a statement of fact - that god does not exist.


Because your argument was sloppy, I was trying to help you correct, or clarify, what you meant.


So this: an atheist who believes God doesn't exist...is making a positive claim (God doesn't exist)


Should have been replaced with something like this: as atheist who claims god does not exist is making a positive claim.



It wouldn't, of course, have helped you much because, as others have pointed out, the rest of your argument is sloppy.


Like I've said a couple of times now-


A totally different argument that I'm not going to get involved in.
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Dave, can you yourself make the positive claim that god Doesn't exist?..you should have really been asked that question at the beginning


Anyone can claim God doesn't exist. It's not a claim I've made though.


Me neither. Drone, what is your definition of "atheism" ?

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