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Angry atheists rant thread.

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Not believing in God and lack/absence of belief are the same thing.

A belief that God doesn't exist is not the same thing.

So why can't you just dismiss the idea of god if you don't believe in him?


I don't believe in santa and I could say i know he doesn't exist, well the santa that flys around the sky


I think it's the idea of what God is that stumbles your

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So why can't you just dismiss the idea of god if you don't believe in him?


Because many people do not like claiming something they have no proof of.


I think it's the idea of what God is that stumbles your


No, the same thing can be said about many things - like the Loch Ness monster, the existence of aliens or the presense of water on Mars. It's a perfectly valid point of view to state that you don't believe any of those things exist (including God), but that you're open to any evidence to the contrary.

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Because many people do not like claiming something they have no proof of.




No, the same thing can be said about many things - like the Loch Ness monster, the existence of aliens or the presense of water on Mars. It's a perfectly valid point of view to state that you don't believe any of those things exist (including God), but that you're open to any evidence to the contrary.

Right so would that state that your open to god being true?.. That shows you have some belief

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So why can't you just dismiss the idea of god if you don't believe in him?

You can, if you choose to

I don't believe in santa and I could say i know he doesn't exist, well the santa that flys around the sky

thats.... great


I think it's the idea of what God is that stumbles your

Stumbles my what?

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