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Angry atheists rant thread.

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Well' date=' you would say that but I am completely correct. It does, in fact, [i']look like[/i] your faith has been challenged.


Look, I know you're not one for providing answers to the valid questions posters ask you but, for the sake of backing up your claim above, can you tell me why, if you are secure in your faith, that you feel the need to persistently start threads and contribute to others in a way which is clearly intended to provoke a reaction from those who don't share your faith?


Persistently?? you exaggerate,this is only the second one i've started on this topic,the other one was just a light hearted thread that i didn't expect anyone to take seriously,i started it after viewing three new threads relating to faith beliefs where someone joked about "waiting for a bus and then three coming together" no malice was intended and the cotributers replied in the same light hearted way,i assume thats why it was pulled after a short time(as was another)


You are also exaggerating about me not providing answers(thats if you mean responding to posters comments)I have never professed to have all the answers ,but when asked to explain why i have faith,i have been very open,and perservered in spite of some insults,and why have i done that? the answer is i won't be driven away by posters like you who persist in insulting believers and attemting to intimidate them in an effort to appear superior,so you can smugly feel you have scored some kind of victory.


As for my faith being challenged,of course it is,who wouldn't expect that? but that doesn't mean its weakening,quite the reverse in fact.Sorry about that.

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Persistently?? you exaggerate,this is only the second one i've started on this topic,the other one was just a light hearted thread that i didn't expect anyone to take seriously,i started it after viewing three new threads relating to faith beliefs where someone joked about "waiting for a bus and then three coming together" no malice was intended and the cotributers replied in the same light hearted way,i assume thats why it was pulled after a short time(as was another)


You are also exaggerating about me not providing answers(thats if you mean responding to posters comments)I have never professed to have all the answers ,but when asked to explain why i have faith,i have been very open,and perservered in spite of some insults,and why have i done that? the answer is i won't be driven away by posters like you who persist in insulting believers and attemting to intimidate them in an effort to appear superior,so you can smugly feel you have scored some kind of victory.


As for my faith being challenged,of course it is,who wouldn't expect that? but that doesn't mean its weakening,quite the reverse in fact.Sorry about that.


Hmm. Thanks for the response. The tone of it seems somewhat uncharacteristically stressed so I won't dig deeper - I'd hate you to turn into Drone - but I must point out that I have asked you a number of simple, genuine, questions regarding faith and you haven't answered any. I don't know if any still exist, of course.


Also, the bold bit seems to contradict your previous post.


Anyhow, I hope you are able to deal with whatever is causing your anxiety at the moment. Really.

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Hmm. Thanks for the response. The tone of it seems somewhat uncharacteristically stressed so I won't dig deeper - I'd hate you to turn into Drone - but I must point out that I have asked you a number of simple, genuine, questions regarding faith and you haven't answered any. I don't know if any still exist, of course.


Also, the bold bit seems to contradict your previous post.


Anyhow, I hope you are able to deal with whatever is causing your anxiety at the moment. Really.


I don't recall you asking me any questions,but if you did and i didn't answer,it would have either been because it was a stupid question,or a question without an answer.


:hihi: Its not anxiety, its just being human, only without the attitude problem!!

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I don't recall you asking me any questions,but if you did and i didn't answer,it would have either been because it was a stupid question,or a question without an answer.


:hihi: Its not anxiety, its just being human, only without the attitude problem!!


Ah, unintentional irony. Always brings a smile to one's face. Thanks.


Sadly I can't provide any firm evidence to back me up because the threads have, of course, disappeared but it does make me feel warm inside that you have admitted that your reaction to difficult questions is that they are "stupid" or "have no answer".


All that plus starting threads solely to bait people and, yet, I am the one with the attitude problem.


Here y'are.

Edited by Lockjaw
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mafya's constant and tedious use of the term "militant atheist" can only be an attempt to render the word "militant" useless or insult.


By his own usage, not only are you and I both militant atheists, but he is also a militant Muslim. He's welcome to invite that label onto himself if he wants, and I'll happily oblige, but most people would see that as a derogatory label which I guess is precisely what he wants when he says "militant atheist".


Also, it just doesn't make sense. Somebody can be militant about a number of issues, irrespective of their opinion in response to a question, their sex or the colour of their skin. So saying "militant atheist" makes as much sense as saying "militant man" or "militant black".


Theism and atheism say nothing about somebody, other than a belief or lack of in gods. Theism and atheism alone do not motivate anything, just like your sex or your colour. Motivation takes something else, typically, but not limited to, religion and/or politics.


"Militant Islamist" sure, and I will argue with them.

"Militant Christian" sure, and I will argue with them.

"Militant ant-theist" sure, I'm not one, but I may or may not support them if they are arguing in response to the first two.

"Militant feminist" sure, which I may or may not support.

"Militant equal rights campainer" sure, which I may or may not support.


But "militant atheist", "militant theist", "militant woman", "militant white" or "militant homosexual" are meaningless.


Actually, i find the term both meaningful and useful- it serves to distinguish the standard atheist i.e. one who simply lacks belief in God, from the (increasingly common, post-Dawkins) type of atheist who attacks religious believers, not through simple rational discussion, but by means of insults and inflammatory rhetoric.

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Actually, i find the term both meaningful and useful- it serves to distinguish the standard atheist i.e. one who simply lacks belief in God, from the (increasingly common, post-Dawkins) type of atheist who attacks religious believers, not through simple rational discussion, but by means of insults and inflammatory rhetoric.


Well, since the majority of attacks on religious believers comes from other religious believers, this highlights the uselessness of the term as you have just described it.


The people you describe could be "militant theists", "militant men" or "militant dwarfs" as well.


The more useful, I would say correct, description is anti-theist.

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Well, since the majority of attacks on religious believers comes from other religious believers, this highlights the uselessness of the term as you have just described it.


The people you describe could be "militant theists", "militant men" or "militant dwarfs" as well.


The more useful, I would say correct, description is anti-theist.


The type of people I described are clearly 'militant atheists' though-


Actually, i find the term both meaningful and useful- it serves to distinguish the standard atheist i.e. one who simply lacks belief in God, from the (increasingly common, post-Dawkins) type of atheist who attacks religious believers, not through simple rational discussion, but by means of insults and inflammatory rhetoric.


'Anti-theist' is a useful term, for those of us who know what it means, but as I also endeavour to communicate with the general public, I also feel 'militant atheist' is useful, as the term is in more common usage.


I have no issue with the term 'militant believer' being applied to believers who are aggressive or try to force their beliefs on others either: in short, I have no problem with applying the term to anyone who is being 'militant', whether atheist, believer, man or goat :)

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