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If you can accept your God then I can guarantee you that you will come back again after you have died, whether that's a human, pig or a malaria infected mosquito, i don't know but you will come back at random choice


Drone, a malaria infected mosquito is not human. You are human. You wouldn't be YOU if you came back as a malaria infected mosquito.

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Drone, a malaria infected mosquito is not human. You are human. You wouldn't be YOU if you came back as a malaria infected mosquito.

Yes you yourself don't come back, I have stated that


You come back as something else but it's not YOU, it's the conscious mind that controls

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Yeh its difficult to explain in words over a computer, it can be difficult to get the message across


Example here: and this is based on coming back as a human


There will be humans on this planet in 300 years, well you could be one of THEM


Or in other words when you die its not blank like you think it will be forever, like you just don't exist


Life carrys on and so do you

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Drone, a malaria infected mosquito is not human. You are human. You wouldn't be YOU if you came back as a malaria infected mosquito.

Going back to this though, if scientists manage to eradicate it then there is no worry of coming back as an malaria infested mosquito....well not on this planet anyway

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I reckon that when I die, I will be non-existent - like before I was born. So I, along with my conscious mind, won't even exist for it to be blank. Life, despite me no longer existing, will carry on regardless.


Now, I can see why you might find your idea appealing or comforting, but there doesn't seem to be any evidence that I, or you, will come back - with our conscious selves intact - as a malaria infected mosquito, etc


I also don't think you can guarantee I will come back if I accept the claim that a god exists(that goes whether it's a pantheistic, theistic, deistic - or whatever other god you can imagine).

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I reckon that when I die, I will be non-existent - like before I was born. So I, along with my conscious mind, won't even exist for it to be blank. Life, despite me no longer existing, will carry on regardless.


Now, I can see why you might find your idea appealing or comforting, but there doesn't seem to be any evidence that I, or you, will come back - with our conscious selves intact - as a malaria infected mosquito, etc


I also don't think you can guarantee I will come back if I accept the claim that a god exists(that goes whether it's a pantheistic, theistic, deistic - or whatever other god you can imagine).

There will never be evidence for a scientist to show you


If you accept my theory and I mean really accept it then you will know inside yourself that it is an guarantee


The guarantee will sell itself

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There will never be evidence for a scientist to show you


If you accept my theory and I mean really accept it then you will know inside yourself that it is an guarantee


The guarantee will sell itself


Your idea is not a theory. And yes, I might be able to delude myself into accepting your idea, but that still wouldn't mean your idea is true.

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I reckon that when I die, I will be non-existent - like before I was born. So I, along with my conscious mind, won't even exist for it to be blank. Life, despite me no longer existing, will carry on regardless.


Now, I can see why you might find your idea appealing or comforting, but there doesn't seem to be any evidence that I, or you, will come back - with our conscious selves intact - as a malaria infected mosquito, etc


I also don't think you can guarantee I will come back if I accept the claim that a god exists(that goes whether it's a pantheistic, theistic, deistic - or whatever other god you can imagine).


Need to clear something up here, it is not YOU yourself who comes back, if you came back as another human then you wouldn't have any knowledge of ryedo, just like you have no knowledge of anything previously now...


I have used a pot example before so it might help you with this


Try and grasp of through this


Think of a large bowl where once you die you get mixed into this bowl but as things are getting mixed in it is spitting out every creature is in existence


You will be mixed in and spat out as whatever it is, it's random

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