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Can weed make you violent?

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I smoked it for 18 years never did me no harm, makes me chilled not violent


It’s a mind altering drug (as we all know) and it does affect people in different ways. If you are lucky enough to be chilled by it, that is good. My brother had an accident at work and after years of medication: cannabis did help. We all know the other side of the coin.


Alcohol abuse - we all know that too.

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It’s a mind altering drug (as we all know) and it does affect people in different ways. If you are lucky enough to be chilled by it, that is good. My brother had an accident at work and after years of medication: cannabis did help. We all know the other side of the coin.


Alcohol abuse - we all know that too.


Surely it should be "If you're unlucky enough to react badly to it, that isn't good".


Despite that sounding like a direct opposite to what you wrote, there is a slight difference :)

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My friend didn't smoke at all and her new boyfriend kept giving her a drag on his joint.Now they have split up she is addicted to tobacco.So she is smoking now and it's ordinary fags and she isn't bothered about weed fags only the plain.


Oh dear, perhaps she ought to stop.

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To be fair, alcohol produces all those effects mentioned too, but it's not illegal. However, I knew someone who weed REALLY didn't suit and he ended up in in mental institution within a few months of taking it and I can't say I've seen that with alcohol.
Probably a coincidence. Who's to say that he didn't start to take it at the point when his mental illness was kicking in!
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