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Can weed make you violent?

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Ha. First time I took it I thought I was going to die. Kept telling o/h to tell the girls I loved them. It was pretty damn scary. Fortunately, not had that again, but it definitely work amazingly well at bed time ... So much so that when I have had some I've been able to sleep without my Tamazepam.


I must add that i am on a high cocktail of drugs including morphine and tramadol for pain ... The occasional spliff when I can get it let's me reduce the tramadol. The morphing I have to take as its 12 hour release.


As I am in pain 100% of the time, it's actually a very precious night if I can get hold of a spliff

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Surely it should be "If you're unlucky enough to react badly to it, that isn't good".


Despite that sounding like a direct opposite to what you wrote, there is a slight difference :)


Yes, I' see what you are saying. Depends which way you look at it and it has been discussed on here before. It’s a mind altering drug and if you are not in control, who is? I’ve seen people with cannabis induced psychosis go on to develop schizophrenia. Some will say their mental health has not been affected. Most of us know the risks. It's a personal choice whether people use it.

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course it can, it has different effects on people, just like alcohol, it effects certain parts of the brain


As he says ^^^.I know someone who is ok with normal lagers, but as soon as he starts on Stella, he turns into a nut case, a modern jekyl and Hyde.

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Ha. First time I took it I thought I was going to die. Kept telling o/h to tell the girls I loved them. It was pretty damn scary. Fortunately, not had that again, but it definitely work amazingly well at bed time ... So much so that when I have had some I've been able to sleep without my Tamazepam.


I must add that i am on a high cocktail of drugs including morphine and tramadol for pain ... The occasional spliff when I can get it let's me reduce the tramadol. The morphing I have to take as its 12 hour release.


As I am in pain 100% of the time, it's actually a very precious night if I can get hold of a spliff


Cannabis has it's good point's in regards to some medical conditions but like any drug it can have bad points if abused.

I have been smoking it on and off for over 20yrs without any problems but I do know some people who it doesn't suit who have ended up with other problems.

The first spliff always makes you feel like you are going to die or something, when I had my first one at home in my room I laid on the bed feeling dizzy and was rolling about on my bed thinking I was going to die from it and it took me about an hour to feel normal again.

A couple of medicinal users I know use a vapouriser as it means you don't have to build a spliff using tabacco which in my opinion is another addiction.

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