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What causes the 'sparklies' in your eyes?

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Flashers (as opposed to floaters)


When vitreous gel rubs against or pulls on the retina, it can produce the illusion of flashing lights. Flashers can be seen as a sparkle, disco light, fireflies, lightning, fire works, or sparks.



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Flashers (as opposed to floaters)


When vitreous gel rubs against or pulls on the retina, it can produce the illusion of flashing lights. Flashers can be seen as a sparkle, disco light, fireflies, lightning, fire works, or sparks.




Yes that's probably a good description of them, but I don't think it's to be worried about, as I only get them occasionally, as I said ^ perhaps a couple of times a month at most, and sometimes not for several months. So it's not a regular occurence.

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Do your ‘bright sparkly things’ look like ghostly snooker balls that are demonstrating Brownian motion, ie: wriggling around like tadpoles? If so It doesn’t sound like anything to worry about, as Chris Sleeps has already mentioned the eyes can turn physical stimuli like a sneeze or a blow to the head into an internal light show, as this lasts ten seconds or so this is quite normal.


When you stand up your heart, which has been resting, suddenly has to pump a little faster and your blood pressure rises which sends a small “shock wave” to your cardiac system including the retinal artery which your eye turns into a flashing light show.


If the symptoms persist for several minutes or more you may have got something called a scintillating scotoma which may be indicative of a more serious medical condition like a partially detached retina.


If you’re worried about it I’d discuss it with your GP or opticians, they can use an ophthalmoscope to check out the condition of your retina and reassure you.


I get them. They would be pretty enjoyable if I didn't know they were the precursor to a god awful migraine.



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Actually ... it's none of the above, they're all rubbish reasons! :loopy:


The 'Sparklies' are actually little particles of 'sleep' ... you know, that stuff that you wipe/scrape from the corners of your eyes that feel like grit?


Basically, they're little bits of brain ... specifically, bits of the Parietal lobe ... the bit that deals with sight. This (as everyone knows) is the yellow bit of brain, squished between the Occipital lobe (blue), and the Temporal lobe (pink).


The Parietal lobe's not that big really, and soon gets all filled up with everything you 'see'. For this reason, the Parietal lobe has to clean itself out every now and then, otherwise there'd be no more room for seeing anything else (blindness).


For this reason, the Parietal lobe's teamed up with its mate ... the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (another blue one), who lives in the Hypothalamus.

The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (among other things) is the brain's 'time clock'.

The deal is ... the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus tells you when to go to sleep, and ... when you're fast asleep, in the land of Nod, the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus tells the Parietal lobe and all Hell breaks loose!


Without you even knowing it, the Parietal lobe collects all the full up bits of itself and shoves them back down the optic nerve into your eyeballs. Obviously, your eyes get full up of all waste bits of Parietal lobe, and so they leak out of the corners of your eyes and set like concrete.


Well, obviously, not all the bits of brain leak out ... quite a lot of it settles in a sort of mud at the bottom of the eyeball.

This is why, if someone smacks you suddenly on the back of the head with something (like a baseball bat, for instance), or if you stand up right quick ... you'll invariably see 'Sparklies'!

Obviously, the eyes get rattled around in the eye sockets to such a degree, it disturbs all the sediment (waste bits of Parietal lobe), which then start floating about in the eye like one of those snow globes!


This is what the 'Sparklies' are, and you've gotta admit ... they are quite nice to look at! :):thumbsup:

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Flashers (as opposed to floaters)


When vitreous gel rubs against or pulls on the retina, it can produce the illusion of flashing lights. Flashers can be seen as a sparkle, disco light, fireflies, lightning, fire works, or sparks.




Sparklies, floaters and FLASHERS ???? [in raincoats ??]



Its time to go to Specsavers....

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I have flashers & floaters, including occasionally bright semicircles at the side of my eyes, which I can see in the dark. Most disturbing. Now & then I get a light show, like Barleycorn describes, double vision & bits missing out of my vision too. Altogether a nightmare of visual disturbances. All totally harmless, ranging from a small tear in the skin over the eye (which healed itself), little bits of jelly inside the eye which float & catch the light & ophtalmic migraines, which come & go with or without a headache.

Detached retina is a whole other issue. You get an effect of cobwebs coming down over your eyes, not little flashing lights.

Enjoy the light show, Pete - it's free.

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