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Have you permanently stopped taking sugar in tea?

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Thanks for all your replies, I'm very pleased to hear that tea without sugar will eventually taste fine.


Just need to decide now whether to go cold turkey or keep faffing about reducing the amount.


I faffed & reduced the amount, until I was down to a tiny bit on the edge of the teaspoon. Then stopped & never went back. You could try buying Truvia, which is a natural product & not sugar. It's sweeter than sugar, so you could just use a tiny amount of that, go down to a few grains quite quickly & then stop. Might be a better psychological approach. Good luck.

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no sugar in tea or coffee.I used to be two spoonfuls but one of my employers didn't buy sugar as no one else used it, so everyday when i went to the office i got tea or coffee without sugar.

So i just stopped at home as well. I can't face sweetened tea or coffee now.

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Can't remember last time I had sugar in my tea, must be 40 years, always remember me granddad though. Na used to say Ted you wanna tea, he'd say yes Rose 7 sugars; but don't stir it I don't like it sweet, and she did & he ALWAYS drank out out of a saucer poured into from the cup.

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