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Have you permanently stopped taking sugar in tea?

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Stopped taking sugar altogether where I get the option.. I even use Truvia on my Weetabix now :)


I went off sugar in my tea when I was pregnant with my youngest (she's 14 now) I've never had it since. Cereal tastes so much better without sugar too except cornflakes they are the only cereal I put sugar on.

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I faffed & reduced the amount, until I was down to a tiny bit on the edge of the teaspoon. Then stopped & never went back. You could try buying Truvia, which is a natural product & not sugar. It's sweeter than sugar, so you could just use a tiny amount of that, go down to a few grains quite quickly & then stop. Might be a better psychological approach. Good luck.


Thanks RosyRat.

Never heard of Truvia - I think I'll reserve that for Weetabix :thumbsup:

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I went the weaning route too and it worked like a charm . Now I can't bear the taste of sweet tea . I didn't stop with tea though. I stopped adding sugar to my porridge and cereals too. Took a little while longer to get used to but now I can't imagine eating them sweetened. Then I stopped drinking ordinary tea and moved on to green tea and white tea during the day and only camomile after three in the afternoon. What a difference it made . I sleep much better now and not having all the added sugar and milk all helped me in losing three stones and keeping it off.

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I used to take sugar or sweetener in both tea and coffee. I drink a lot of coffee in coffee shops and those stirrers don't stir the sugar, so I found I was drinking coffee as it was with a nasty sweet residue at the end - so I stopped bothering sweetening coffee. Whenever other people made me cups of tea they kept forgetting to sweeten it with anything (and sweeteners and sugar regularly vanish from our work kitchen anyway) so I stopped taking it in tea. Neither was by choice but I'm OK with both being unsweetened now.

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I went the weaning route too and it worked like a charm . Now I can't bear the taste of sweet tea . I didn't stop with tea though. I stopped adding sugar to my porridge and cereals too. Took a little while longer to get used to but now I can't imagine eating them sweetened. Then I stopped drinking ordinary tea and moved on to green tea and white tea during the day and only camomile after three in the afternoon. What a difference it made . I sleep much better now and not having all the added sugar and milk all helped me in losing three stones and keeping it off.


I didn't wean, I went cold turkey on sugar in my tea. I don't have sugar on my cereal, either, ( :gag: ).


I haven't had sweetened tea for over thirty years. My ex-blokes mother used to pour the sugar into the cup, straight out of the bag, and when I measured it, it was about 7 spoonsful in the bottom of the cup. Yuck. (She got though a whole 2lb bag of sugar in a day!!! :wow: )


I started asking for "just one spoonful" in the tea, but still got it with the cartloads poured into the tea. Rather than be impolite, and say something like "you daft old bat, what's up with measuring it out with a spoon!" I said oh I'm going to give up sugar, don't put me any in, at all". and that was it. no sugar in my tea!


Now, if someone stirs my tea after sugaring theirs, I can taste the sugar, even in those small amounts, and it tastes totally vile to me.


I rarely drink coffee, as I find it too bitter to drink without sugar, and I dislike it with sugar.

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Stopping having sugar in tea is the first (and usually only) reaction of the pretend diet brigade, as its the only form of pure sugar you intake its the most showy example available.


I've known so called dieters drink copious pints of lager while shunning this worthy addition to a nice cuppa.


I take mine with a small teaspoon full and i'm sticking with it.

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I was a kid aged about 10 when I decided to stop having sugar in my tea..

I have no idea why, I just did..

Now, the slightest taste of sugar in my tea or coffee and I gag..


I love a strong cuppa tea made with 2 tea bags, brewed for quite a bit (I often leave it brewing whilst hanging the washing out), then just a dribble of milk.. Lovely.. :)

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