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Atos..the proof

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How can anyone say that atos is a fair system? Read the following. I just want people to realise that the government is trying to make disabled people take the blame, for the bankers.




Aaron Moon’s £100-a-week Disability Living Allowance was stopped because assessors say his ‘prosthetic limb is as good as real leg’.


He suffered a broken spine, pelvis, legs and hip after his armoured vehicle hit a roadside bomb in Lashkar Gah, Helmand province, in 2009.


Doctors fought for a year to save his right leg but had to amputate below the knee and he was medically discharged from the Marines. After claiming benefits for two years, Mr Moon, 25, had a work capability assessment in November.


He said: ‘The person doing the assessment asked me to point to my right foot. I said, “I haven’t got a right foot” and he said, “Oh, right”. Then he said, “Can you move your toes?” I said, “I’ve no leg” and took it off to show him.

‘He looked surprised even though he’d read my notes to know what my injuries were.’


The assessor ruled because Mr Moon, of Bolton, could walk 200m ‘pain free’ he was not entitled to benefits.


Mr Moon is taking the Department for Work and Pensions to a tribunal to win them back. ‘I fought for my country and the government turned its back on me,’ he said


The DWP says changes are being made so injured veterans do not have to be assessed for their disabilities.


Read more: http://www.metro.co.uk/news/913386-one-legged-marine-not-disabled-enough-to-be-allowed-benefits#ixzz28beVZ49R


<my bold>




That's a bit like asking someone to read the optician's eye chart, using their glass eye, isn't it? :roll:

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@ECCOnoob (sorry I can't quote your post)

I think its absolutely brilliant that people with cancer have been able to work, but what if they can't? My brother is having high-dose chemo, and has been so sick he's in and out of hospital having various anti-sickness drugs (none of which have really been effective) The constant vomitting exhausts him so he spends most of the time asleep. Cancer and chemo affect everyone differently, and some people are affected a lot more than others with chemo side effects.


Your brothers case highlights why assessments are needed more than why they are not.


There are over 200 different cancers - from a minor skin cancer through to the high grade malignancies that have spread. The treatment for each varies according to that. So some ill have a simple mole removal type of operation and then be "good to go" while others will need much more radical intervention.


So just having cancer should not automatically give rise to claiming benefits.


- However more importantly I wish your brother all the very best and hope that is much stronger soon.

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Keep posting, if it makes a certain persons "blood boil" its worth the effort.

The opening post said it all. no need to reiterate.

There ARE cancers and cancers. I had the daddy of them all, lung cancer, had to have most of my right lung removed and I was still bullied by ATOS.

Go back to the beginning and read the link, its all there.

But if you have a relative who knew somebody who had some kind of cancer that makes you an expert. I am in year 4 of cancer treatment/monitoring and, believe me, lung cancer surgery causes permanent internal nerve damage. It also affects your breathing capacity and causes chronic pain, which, incidentally DOES NOT go away. You just hope you can manage the pain, you know it wont stop, the medics tell you that.

I work 20 hours a week, helped by DLA, for which I am gratefull.

Certain people should be thankfull they still have their health, and to stop begrudging people benefits.........................................you never know, it may happen to them one day.

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If you actually read the said post you will see that I was referring to people who CHOOSE not to work for fear of losing some benefit.


A culture where some people CHOOSE not to work becuase they can then receive more handouts simply should not be allowed. That needs looking into and changing. As I said clearly, nobody who CAN WORK should have any form of disincentive not to do so.


That is what I was referring to. Nothing to do with those who genuinely cannot work and who genuinely receive sickness benefit.


Did I mention your name in the post? NO. Did I make reference to you in any way shape or form? NO. Did I even make reference to anyone with disabilities in my post? NO.


Seem to me you are looking for things to offend you. Think you need to wind your neck in.


This is a discussion. People are perfectly entitled to disagree with the subject whether YOU like it or not.

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If you actually read the said post you will see that I was referring to people who CHOOSE not to work for fear of losing some benefit.


A culture where some people CHOOSE not to work becuase they can then receive more handouts simply should not be allowed. That needs looking into and changing. As I said clearly, nobody who CAN WORK should have any form of disincentive not to do so.


That is what I was referring to. Nothing to do with those who genuinely cannot work and who genuinely receive sickness benefit.


Did I mention your name in the post? NO. Did I make reference to you in any way shape or form? NO. Did I even make reference to anyone with disabilities in my post? NO.


Seem to me you are looking for things to offend you. Think you need to wind your neck in.


This is a discussion. People are perfectly entitled to disagree with the subject whether YOU like it or not.


I dont need to look for things to offend me, I find a lot of what you spout offensive...............but, as you say, this is a discussion.

Carry on spouting......:roll:

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As someone who will be faceing the war machine called Atos soon, Im ready to fight theses bullyies. My advice to anyone faceing the same dont fear them theres help out there from filling in the forms to appeals. Lets remember its not your fault your disabled and why should we carry the can for a richmans mess? Atos and Cameron will fall one day as the saying goes 'what comes around goes around'.

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My petition is getting a few more signatures, please take a look at e-petitions 28740. It stands at 389 at the moment. I'd like it to get to a thousand, make it feel like I've achieved something.



If you have signed please post this message at as many places as you can online:

I've signed e-petition 28740

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As someone who will be faceing the war machine called Atos soon, Im ready to fight theses bullyies. My advice to anyone faceing the same dont fear them theres help out there from filling in the forms to appeals. Lets remember its not your fault your disabled and why should we carry the can for a richmans mess? Atos and Cameron will fall one day as the saying goes 'what comes around goes around'.


Ask on your form for the interview to be recorded, don't go alone, and good luck, with the atos scumbags.

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Firstly you raised a good point with regards the DWP and benefits. That is something I do not agree with. There should be absolutely no disincentive to do something constructive. Absolutely nobody should be left worse off by working vs someone sat of their ass imobile.


With regards my second highlighted part - this I simply dont understand. IF they are in a "work related group" or "work shadow" "work placment"

Its hardly under the thumb of an evil boss. Its just getting out there and being part of society. How the hell could they feel "stressed" "overwhelmed" its part of life. As I pointed out before there are support workers, assistants, bank hours, voluntary work all complete with a whole world of adjustments that can be made. I too was talking about people with serious mental health problems. I see on a daily basis people with severe learning disabilties, autism, psychiatric issues all getting out there and doing work placements, shadowing, community projects, voluntary roles. Its still possible for them to DO SOMETHING.


If we are seriously talking about people who cannot cope with the simple act of getting out there occasionally or even rarely and contributing something then they clearly need help beyond the realm of disabilty living allowance and the DWP.


I say again, if they can "cope" with an appeal procedure - with our without the assistance of a CAB - then they are clearly more than capable to "cope" with contributing something to society.


Id also say here that if someone if near forced to work

with say contributing something to society, say even working in a 2nd hand shop

then he or she is still getting up early in the morning to be there

and should be "payed" for such and same if forced to go to a college course

in which Guaranteed there is nothing at the end of such should

all be a wage of sorts

not saying for a big wage but for a wage of sorts to give some extra incentive

as people all need an incentive to get up in the cold winter mornings

and there is no incentive at all


and we have people getting their money stopped

certainly is not helping either , as personally if it was myself, which i aint on any of such

but if i was and had my money say stopped , then id only steal to survive

and this ends with being caught by the law and court dates in which also costs



Folks need an incentive to work and thats a pay ..


Would bankers sitting on their lazy A---s turn up for nothing ?

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