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Atos..the proof

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Ask on your form for the interview to be recorded, don't go alone, and good luck, with the atos scumbags.

Thanks Im going to need Lady Luck on my side. My Dad is going with me and will be getting it recorded two can play there game. Thought about asking my Army mates to come along to complete with tank but might have problems getting it the room.


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If we are seriously talking about people who cannot cope with the simple act of getting out there occasionally or even rarely and contributing something then they clearly need help beyond the realm of disability living allowance and the DWP.


This is nonsense. You're saying anyone whose illness/disability would put them out of the Work Related Activity Group needs residential care, effectively. In which case, why would the DWP have another group, the Support Group, for people not expected to work? And it's not a 'simple' act for lots of people, obviously, for some it's very difficult to do and risks making their health worse.


I say again, if they can "cope" with an appeal procedure - with our without the assistance of a CAB - then they are clearly more than capable to "cope" with contributing something to society


As for this, it's just 'ducking stool' reasoning. If they are put in the wrong group by the assessor but can't cope with the appeal then the DWP get away with it, and if they can cope with the appeal then the DWP must have been right in the first place! Therefore the DWP must always be right. In which case, why have an appeal process in the first place?!

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  • 2 weeks later...

On a further note, the decission makers from the dwp also lie. they told a friend of mine they'd rang her, and she said she couldn't provide any further evidence. Considering she has never provided them with a phone number this information once again shows them for the liars that they are.

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