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Atos..the proof

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where do we go from here then ? I am Piddled off with this Gittish government too but what do we do next ?? :huh:



Keep plugging away, never miss an opportunity to spoil a Torys day. They are totally evil, have no agendas, only hidden ones and deserve all the insults and abuse they get. They show no compassion to disabled or disadvantaged people. I too hope to outlive the Thatcher Witch to join in the party. They ought to bury her under 6 feet of concrete..............just in case....:hihi:

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Important not to forget how Atos got the foot in the door to begin with. Labour awarded them work capability assessment contracts in 2005. The coalition has extended these and awarded Atos even more contracts.


This new Atos regime has not just come in overnight. It has been refined and tweaked over the last 7 years under successive governments.


All the three main parties are responsible for this. They're all a disgrace.


You can't brush it all under the carpet with a poor attempt ar commonality between political parties. In my place of work, immigration, the working conditions, targets and objectives have got much worse for everyone under the current government.

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AFTER being left on the breadline by Atos, cancer survivor Margaret Monaghan often wishes her treatment had failed.

“At my lowest points I truly wish that the cancer

treatment hadn’t worked, because I feel the life I have been left with just isn’t worth living.


“I have an 11-year-old daughter and 12-year-old son and it breaks my heart because I can’t give them the things I would like to because I have so little money.



she would have rather died because she cannot buy her children things ? so her life is worthless without money ?, this is one woman more interested in having her comfy standard of living back.


To be fair, she did say she was only living on Job Seeker's Allowance so I doubt she could afford to spend much on anything let alone gifts for her children.

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You can't brush it all under the carpet with a poor attempt ar commonality between political parties. In my place of work, immigration, the working conditions, targets and objectives have got much worse for everyone under the current government.


It's not brushing anything under the carpet, more like confronting the problems head on. Step back and think about all these bad things you mention. The building blocks, the culture and frameworks were already there. Labour has made it easier for the Tories to hit the ground running.


Not wanting to vote for generic parties any more is a serious choice. I think everybody should consider the same and give them a bloody nose.

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MORE :clap::thumbsup:


Kerplosh ^^ Cheers m8 :banana:


In fairness a third of those were still getting JSA or other benefits,so not really destitute is it.

Typical south coaster ^^ Heartless f--ker most probs been fed with a silver spoon from as a kid ..




but you can be sure come election time they will get the votes again,some people eh.:o


@southcoast ^^ Certainly Not, because Scotland by then shall be an Independant Country :love::D




I also work part time for a French company, not through choice, we got taken over. Are all French companies the same ????

I cant leave either,cancer survivor and disabled with arthritis, got no choice have I ?? 2 years to me pension, if I get there. But I will fight these bloody Torys to my last breath.


You shall be here m8 and ill think of your above post when im dancing away when the torys are voted out ..Have to say though im normally a Labour voter

but Labour are not quite what they should stand for at times which is making more younger people here

vote for the SNP - Scottish National Party..


Labour are supposedly more for the ordinary working person , BUT its better to vote for them than these fecks anyday of the week fir sure ..


We have nothing against England at all here

my own Mothers English born although shes been now in Scotland

the vast majority of her life


But we do i admit hate Southern England only with London and the surrounding areas hated ..

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All the big mouth disabled bashers are still keeping their mouths shut. I did a lot of research into ATOS and the DWP 2 years ago after my own disgusting treatment at their hands. Most people hadn't even heard of ATOS then and we were all under the belief that the state would provide should the worst happen. Now people are being made aware via the media of this evil regime set up and operated by BOTH governments, perhaps something will be done.

I have been verbally abused, accused of lying etc when I told my story. My story appalled an appeal court judge so much that he told me of his own disgust and feelings and gave me some sound advice. I was recovering from Lung lobe removal due to lung cancer and also starting with the rapid onset of rheumatoid arthritis. Posting on cancer forums etc obtained me a lot of good contacts, and info on how to nail politicians. My story is not unique, as the newspaper article proves.

Only a completely evil and uncaring goverment can allow this ludicrous system to continue................and guess what ?? WE HAVE GOT ONE !!!


And, yes as stated, BOTH partys have been equally guilty. Tony B Liar played his unsavoury part as well.

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So will it all be revoked when labour sweep to power ? Just that they didn't do much of that last time they got in.


Read my post, I stated both partys are equally as guilty. Blairs New Labour were Torys in disguise. You reckon Labour will sweep to power ?? So do I, but it wont be for anything they have done. It will be because the nation will be sick of this evil, lying, backstabbing, thieving apology for a government the Coalition have formed. Please make sure you have read posts before commenting.

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Read my post, I stated both partys are equally as guilty. Blairs New Labour were Torys in disguise. You reckon Labour will sweep to power ?? So do I, but it wont be for anything they have done. It will be because the nation will be sick of this evil, lying, backstabbing, thieving apology for a government the Coalition have formed. Please make sure you have read posts before commenting.


Read mine. I'm not asking who started it and who didn't I'm asking if anyone thinks labour will revoke this policy.

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