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Atos..the proof

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Just because you have a poor leg does not mean you cant work,sorry but I work long hrs for minimum wage and am tired of paying for those who can work but wont.


Instead of blaming others, look at your own position. Before I became ill I earned a reasonable income. We had two cars, three foreign holidays per year, could afford to be generous with gifts to our kids and grandchildren. I worked hard, used what limited education I had and 'got on with it'.

I went into hospital for a simple routine 'quick' operation and cancer was discovered. Not a minor cancer, but full blown lung cancer. The immediate prognosis was terrible, life expectancy next to nothing, but a surgeon was willing to have a go and he gave me some sort of life, for which I am gratefull. I was a grafter, didn't moan, didn't begrudge poorer people the help they needed.

I know things aren't easy on the employment front, I still work part time. Its diffcult but I manage. My advice to you is work hard, keep on looking for something better and stop believing all the vile 'anti-disabled' , anti-pensioner, anti-unemployed crap put out by the Tory media.

Whatever money the Torys save by cutting benefits will not be used to better your lifestyle, it goes straight into their friends pockets. Lower benefits means lower wages, think about it............... Also, if the Torys had chance the minimum wage would be abolished. That IS on their agenda.

Dont blame others for your predicament, its called 'scapegoating', something the Torys have always done. And remember, if the Torys had there way you would earn even less. And NEW LABOUR aren't much better either. Cameron and Clegg come from billionaire backgrounds, why should they work for politicians salaries ??.............I often ask myself that question. Its not to benefit people like us, they have no social conscience.

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Ok I grew up on Parson Cross and Southey,hardly born with a silver spoon in my mouth:rolleyes:oh and isnt masked swearing against the site rules;).

lol the SNP wont win the referendum so dont get yer knickers in a twist,as to Liebour yep they will probably win the next election cus the voters are thick,still like the saying goes you get what you vote for dont you.


Yes, you got what YOU voted for. Long hours for minimum wage, loads of poor sods working for agency's. No job security. Where I work we have loads of Polish agency workers, damn good workers and the company and the agency treat them like pondlife. The voters ARE thick...........they put Cameron and Clegg into power. Yes, I repeat, you got what you voted for, the worst government in living history. Stop reading The Sun and think for yourself. You are obviously a grafter yourself, dont let the Torys kid you.......

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Yes, you got what YOU voted for. Long hours for minimum wage, loads of poor sods working for agency's. No job security. Where I work we have loads of Polish agency workers, damn good workers and the company and the agency treat them like pondlife. The voters ARE thick...........they put Cameron and Clegg into power. Yes, I repeat, you got what you voted for, the worst government in living history. Stop reading The Sun and think for yourself. You are obviously a grafter yourself, dont let the Torys kid you.......



dont assume you know who I vote for because you dont ,I didnt vote for liebour or tory,so no I didnt vote for this,would never buy the dirty Sun paper,hate the CONservatives and LIEbour, and FIBdems equally anyway hope thats cleared that up.:hihi:

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Again evil but true story a guy in todays Scottish Daily record newspaper

whom was a Marine in the British Army


Headlined .. "Awful way to treat a hero"

this told word for word as it sais in the newspaper below vv


How awful for Marine Aaron Moon, who lost a leg in Afghanistan

having his disability benefit cut while the Tory/Lib Dem Government

can spend more than £1billion on the Queens Diamond Jubilee.


Our Serveicemen and women are having to beg after being injured for her.

I was in the services for 10 years . Hugn Burns


And an ad next to that also sais vv


Atos told Aaron that his artificial leg was as "able" as a real one.

How did they dream that up ? Of course it's not the same.

Even if he can walk 200 metres pain free, thats not getting him very far.

If anyone believes a Prosthetic limb is as good as a real one,

cut off one of your own. You'll soon see it's not.

Esther Angel


These ^^ and many others tells me that Atos and this Tory / Libdem Government

are way over the top with their cuts .

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For the perusal of all our Forum 'Benefit Bashers'.

Please take note. You know who you are. Please take notice, specialy of the account of the ex ATOS employee.


YOU could be the next person affected by disablement so stop being smartarses and READ !!!


Heres an 'honourable' benefit claimant to add to your list




There are two sides to every argument. There are people out there fiddling the system. If this system is not working then whats the alternative. Something has to be done.

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Heres an 'honourable' benefit claimant to add to your list




There are two sides to every argument. There are people out there fiddling the system. If this system is not working then whats the alternative. Something has to be done.


One of 'ems here,Conrod will be along shortly!

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One of 'ems here,Conrod will be along shortly!
Indeed - I felt a tingling down my spine as though my name had been mentioned, and found it necessary to put down my whip and unchain my workhouse minions in order to comment.


Contrary to the embittered views expressed by some of the anti-Conservatives around here, the Tory party doesn't have it in for the disabled, or the retired, or people struggling to find work.


BUT, I sincerely hope it does keep high on the agenda the need to deal with the workshy who fabricate or exaggerate disabilities in order to maximise their benefits and avoid honest work. There are plenty of them out there – we all know that. The system is wrong because it allows the able-bodied, especially those with a large litter, to leech more money through benefits than in work. In such cases, a benefits ceiling should be imposed so they have to work.


Are wages too low? No, not at all – but lifestyle expectations are far too high so even the unskilled and stupid see luxuries as their right. If you’re not in a good job, don’t expect colour tv, computers, PlayStations, dishwashers, holidays etc – just as was the case for previous generations who accepted having no carpets or central heating until they could afford it.


I’m a through & through Tory and sit right of centre on many Tory viewpoints, including the need to clamp down hard on benefit scroungers, and make life hard for the lazy. However, I would absolutely not wish for anybody with a genuine, debilitating condition which prevents them from working to be denied help and a reasonable standard of living through state benefits.

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Indeed - I felt a tingling down my spine as though my name had been mentioned, and found it necessary to put down my whip and unchain my workhouse minions in order to comment.


Contrary to the embittered views expressed by some of the anti-Conservatives around here, the Tory party doesn't have it in for the disabled, or the retired, or people struggling to find work.


BUT, I sincerely hope it does keep high on the agenda the need to deal with the workshy who fabricate or exaggerate disabilities in order to maximise their benefits and avoid honest work. There are plenty of them out there – we all know that. The system is wrong because it allows the able-bodied, especially those with a large litter, to leech more money through benefits than in work. In such cases, a benefits ceiling should be imposed so they have to work.


Are wages too low? No, not at all – but lifestyle expectations are far too high so even the unskilled and stupid see luxuries as their right. If you’re not in a good job, don’t expect colour tv, computers, PlayStations, dishwashers, holidays etc – just as was the case for previous generations who accepted having no carpets or central heating until they could afford it.


I’m a through & through Tory and sit right of centre on many Tory viewpoints, including the need to clamp down hard on benefit scroungers, and make life hard for the lazy. However, I would absolutely not wish for anybody with a genuine, debilitating condition which prevents them from working to be denied help and a reasonable standard of living through state benefits.


Ha Ha !! Another off topic poster. The original post was about ATOS and the criminal way in which they operate. Both Labour and Conservative have used ATOS, but the Torys seem to delight in inflicting misery on poor sods with disabilities. Another FAIRER way must be found.............like accepting consultants and specialists reports and recommendations, not assessing someone in 15 minutes using a non qualified assessor, for example midwives.

All we are asking for is FAIR and JUST treatment.

We just get the feeling that, under the Torys this will not be possible. No political party is perfect but Labour, historically, are the lesser of 3 evils.


Nye Bevan described the Torys as 'Lower than vermin'. The views and attitudes of many Conservatives reinforces that statement.


Typical Tory attitude, when things get tough, blame the disadvantaged.


In the meantime I will continue to 'tug my forelock' and to 'know my place'.

It was attitudes like the poster above which caused the French revolution...........get your knitting needles out Madame Defarge................

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Indeed - I felt a tingling down my spine as though my name had been mentioned, and found it necessary to put down my whip and unchain my workhouse minions in order to comment.


Contrary to the embittered views expressed by some of the anti-Conservatives around here, the Tory party doesn't have it in for the disabled, or the retired, or people struggling to find work.


BUT, I sincerely hope it does keep high on the agenda the need to deal with the workshy who fabricate or exaggerate disabilities in order to maximise their benefits and avoid honest work. There are plenty of them out there – we all know that. The system is wrong because it allows the able-bodied, especially those with a large litter, to leech more money through benefits than in work. In such cases, a benefits ceiling should be imposed so they have to work.


Are wages too low? No, not at all – but lifestyle expectations are far too high so even the unskilled and stupid see luxuries as their right. If you’re not in a good job, don’t expect colour tv, computers, PlayStations, dishwashers, holidays etc – just as was the case for previous generations who accepted having no carpets or central heating until they could afford it.


I’m a through & through Tory and sit right of centre on many Tory viewpoints, including the need to clamp down hard on benefit scroungers, and make life hard for the lazy. However, I would absolutely not wish for anybody with a genuine, debilitating condition which prevents them from working to be denied help and a reasonable standard of living through state benefits.


I totally disagree. The problem with those groups is that they cost money. Labour and the Tories have tried ways of making them profitable for private enterprise:


Disability assessments (Atos)

Nonsense like A4E

Privatised elderly care


In every case the wheels come off. The media and public reaction is bad. The pain involved in delivering that profit to the private sector just politically not worth it.


They do have it in for them. Any party that sees those groups as profit making opportunities has it in for them when they don't easily deliver private profits. Those groups cost money and that is damned inconvenient. That is the bottom line. There is no acknowledgement that many of people in those groups have paid money into the system all their lives and are simply asking for the help they deserve to get at the point they need it.

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I totally disagree. The problem with those groups is that they cost money. Labour and the Tories have tried ways of making them profitable for private enterprise:


Disability assessments (Atos)

Nonsense like A4E

Privatised elderly care


In every case the wheels come off. The media and public reaction is bad. The pain involved in delivering that profit to the private sector just politically not worth it.


They do have it in for them. Any party that sees those groups as profit making opportunities has it in for them when they don't easily deliver private profits. Those groups cost money and that is damned inconvenient. That is the bottom line. There is no acknowledgement that many of people in those groups have paid money into the system all their lives and are simply asking for the help they deserve to get at the point they need it.


Dont waste your breath mate, Torys have no compassion, concern or common sense. They just share a hatred of anyone who they class as below them.

Reasoning and sensible constructive debate is barred from all Conservative meetings.

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