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Roughest pub/club in sheffield?


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Not sure if it's the roughest per se... But the Sportsman here in Stannington used to be pretty rough at one time, we stopped going in cos of all the fighting that was going on, people chasing each other round the car park, fights in the tap room and other atrocities.... There were also rumours going round that the quiz was a fiddle cos the same team in the tap room were winning every week.

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Elm Tree, Intake. Awful beer, if you can call it that, pure, unadulterated violence on request, and more Argos jewellery than at which you can shake a stick. The Market Tavern in town is a lovely place for cocktails on a Sunday (if it's open), and I agree, the Fighting **** is awful - indeed the name is so apt. And my ex's family use it all the time.


Seriously though, I think that a lot of the clientele of those pubs would find something like the Fat Cat, or Red Deer, or Old Mother Redcap, etc b****y awful so really it's horses for courses ....... actually, thinking about the first 3 pubs I mentioned "whores"es for courses would be more accurate ......


<fx: gets coat and runs>


Luv 'n' peace G xxx

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Originally posted by 2wentypence

The Rising Sun in Nether green is an absolute dump inside. On the few occasions I have had to drink there there is usually bits floating in the beer from poor pipe cleaning I presume. Having said that it has recently been taken over so may have improved.


Stick your head in now - Abbeydale Brewery have moved in and although it looks the same it smells clean (no smoking) and beer is now the best in Sheffield.

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What are we looking for, the worst or the roughest? Most out of town pubs appear to be empty most of the time so you would have to start a fight with yourself. If you are intent on finding the roughest call into the Springwood on the Manor and call the regulars a load of puffs, that should do it. If you can still walk after this (very unlikely) give it another try at the Elm Tree at Manor Top, it's not far from City Road Cemetery so very handy.


If the first two suggestions don't work try wearing a Wednesday shirt in the Tramway on London Rd when United are playing at home, that should do the trick.


As for the worst have you been in the Brown Bear on Norfolk Street lately?

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ah the brown bear, sticky carpets galour!


though, i like the place as samuel smiths beer is top, and at 1.29 for a pint of cask ale, its top!


not rough either, just full of mostly old rotting men who smoke cigars,,

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Originally posted by crookesey

What are we looking for, the worst or the roughest? Most out of town pubs appear to be empty most of the time so you would have to start a fight with yourself. If you are intent on finding the roughest call into the Springwood on the Manor and call the regulars a load of puffs, that should do it. If you can still walk after this (very unlikely) give it another try at the Elm Tree at Manor Top, it's not far from City Road Cemetery so very handy.


Crookesey, sorry mate but the Springwood has got a new landlord who has sorted out a load of the riffraff - and is genuinely sorting the place out - they have a good relationship with the police, regulars and a host of new customer's bringing their custom there.


They have gone to great lengths to do this and are succeeding with ex-locals coming back beacuse the trouble causing element has now been rid of.


i'm not saying there is no fighting - you get the odd idiot who makes threats, but if anyone causes any trouble they are ejected from the premises and are not permitted to return. come and give the place a try - I can gurantee it's better than the Richmond, Elm Tree and the Highnoon (now closed!).


Sorry to rant!



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Last time I went in there I had a pint and it tasted like cat's urine.


I live currently near the John O'Gaunt, another pub with a bit of a history about it. I also drink there, and despite its reputation I ain't had any trouble in there at all.


Suppose if you keep yourself to yourself, you'll be alright really.

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