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All of the qualities that make us human

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Not really. The only value that animals have in this world is the one that us humans put upon them. I sure that most if not all carnivores wouldn't think twice about hunting a specials into extinction, or herbivores eating a plant into extinction.


Us humans are the only creatures that actually puts a value upon other creatures.


But don't their own numbers protect against this happening to a point, those that do specialise in killing one other species to survive or favour one particular plant tend to be in small numbers.

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But don't their own numbers protect against this happening to a point, those that do specialise in killing one other species to survive or favour one particular plant tend to be in small numbers.


You are right, but this doesn't come about through any value based conscious decision made by the animals.

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I think that empathy is one of the main dividers between us and the rest of the animal kingdom.


Don't be so sure. :)

More over there are three times more of these empathy cells in the brain of a whale than there are in our own and it is thought that spindle cells have been present in whales twice as long as they have been in humans.


Many animals feel emotions.

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I once had a discussion with a teacher at secondary school way back when Adam was a lad. He stated that a leopard used its spotted coat as an aid to hunting in the dappled light of the rain forest (jungle as it was known back then).


I pointed out that the leopard surely wasn't consciously using its spots, it was just fortunate enough to have the right markings for the environment due to natural selection.


He told me to stop talking daft.:confused:


I asked him whether he thought the leopard would be as successful as a hunter if someone put a bright orange pullover on it, or would it be aware, instantly, that its appearance would now make hunting, as it used to, unviable.


He said, and quite rightly so, that the leopard would probably carry on as before and eventually starve to death.


My response was something like, "So, the leopard isn't aware of its appearance and doesn't knowingly use its colouring as camouflage then, sir?"


"Don't be stupid lad!! Only humans are aware of their appearance in relation to their surroundings, and are able to intentionally alter one or the other to gain an advantage. All others have to rely on natural selection. That's what makes us human lad".


Talk about changing tack when challenged.:suspect:

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Envy.... a bit like my cat watching me eat a salmon sandwich.

Sloth.... said cat after eating my sandwich.

Lust.... you never met my cat before he was neutered.

Gluttony.... nor had to feed him.

Anger.... nor tried to take his food off him.

Pride.... got me there.:D

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