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Children with cancer beg smokers not to smoke outside their windows.

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That's not the same as having a right to smoke on hospital property. I really don't see why anyone should be allowed to smoke on hospital property, but if there are to be concessions it should be the priority to consider the rights of patients who don't want to have to breathe cigarette smoke. Followed by the rights and needs of people to gain access without having to push past smokers.

Once those criteria are met and if there is space, then the idea of a smoking area could be considered. But its positioning should be dictated by the needs of the hospital to protect hospital users and not folk who cannot manage without a cigarette.


AND... If such a concession is made then it's use should be policed and fines dished out to those not observing the rules.


There is a smoking shelter that was built, but it seems that the 20 meter or so walk is too far for them, so they stand in the hospital doorway.




There are actually 2 smoking shelters, one on A road and one on B road.

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There is a smoking shelter that was built, but it seems that the 20 meter or so walk is too far for them, so they stand in the hospital doorway.




There are actually 2 smoking shelters, one on A road and one on B road.


Well all that's needed then is the will on behalf of those who pretend to make the rules and start stick OTS fines on those who ignore the signs and smoke elsewhere on hospital grounds.

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Well all that's needed then is the will on behalf of those who pretend to make the rules and start stick OTS fines on those who ignore the signs and smoke elsewhere on hospital grounds.


Why not use a smoke activated sprinkler system to hasten their departure?

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What. You mean obey the rules like others are expected to do and not smoke in the designated non smoking areas? I agree. We should do that.


Just remember, not all smokers as stupid as these idiots who insist on smoking next to the hospital entrance.

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There is a smoking shelter that was built, but it seems that the 20 meter or so walk is too far for them, so they stand in the hospital doorway.



Move it to 5 meters from the door and they'll probably use it. 5m is a reasonable distance to walk, but it's far enough from the entrance so that people can use the entrance without being bothered by smoke.


20m is too far- the fact that it has no benefits over 5m for anyone, really suggests that it's at that distance puerly to make the smokers feel like 2nd hand citizens- that'll be why they're not using it.

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