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Muslim protestors burn temples and attack Bangledesh villages

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my friend , I'm not defending those who do , Quran so important for muslims , Islam isnt like other religions ,islamic values are very important .... sorry noww I should go out , when I back I will answer . bye


See. This is the damn problem. Islam is like other religions and people from other religions have values which are just as important to them. But people from other religions tend to have a respect for justice and human life alongside the values of their religion which a lot of Muslims don't seem to have. The problem is when your 'values' are so damn important you lose perspective on anything else and attack innocent people.


The people in these villages that were attacked didn't burn a Koran, they had done nothing but practice another religion which apparently makes you fair game.

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See. This is the damn problem. Islam is like other religions and people from other religions have values which are just as important to them. But people from other religions tend to have a respect for justice and human life alongside the values of their religion which a lot of Muslims don't seem to have. The problem is when your 'values' are so damn important you lose perspective on anything else and attack innocent people.


The people in these villages that were attacked didn't burn a Koran, they had done nothing but practice another religion which apparently makes you fair game.


Exactly, Islam is the elephant in the room these days it would seem, and as shown on this forum, other Muslims will defend and ignore these issues because the perpetrators are also Muslim.


Its a damn shame that a religion that calls itself peaceful seems so intent on attacking innocent people in its own name.

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my friend , I'm not defending those who do , Quran so important for muslims , Islam isnt like other religions ,islamic values are very important .... sorry noww I should go out , when I back I will answer . bye


Here's the problem.


Many of us find the Quran totally unimportant, and some Islamic values utterly offensive.


So how best to get along?


Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (you might have heard of him) had the great idea that state and religion should remain separate, that everybody and their beliefs were equal, that no person's "offence" holds more currency than another person's, and the state would only concern itself with real harms not pretend ones.


Such a shame to see his secular ideals being chipped away in your country.

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Here's the problem.


Many of us find the Quran totally unimportant, and some Islamic values utterly offensive.


So how best to get along?


Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (you might have heard of him) had the great idea that state and religion should remain separate, that everybody and their beliefs were equal, that no person's "offence" holds more currency than another person's, and the state would only concern itself with real harms not pretend ones.


Such a shame to see his secular ideals being chipped away in your country.


Not all systems of belief are equal, I don't believe oppressive belief systems (eg Communism, Islam, Nazism, Facsism) to be of equal merit to ones that are not oppressive (eg our Western lifestyle, democracy, freedom of expression). Quite often they simply cannot co-exist, one must dominate over the other, but it is possible to have a "chipping away" effect whereby one has gradual influence over another.

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Not all systems of belief are equal, I don't believe oppressive belief systems (eg Communism, Islam, Nazism, Facsism) to be of equal merit to ones that are not oppressive (eg our Western lifestyle, democracy, freedom of expression).
A bit of a mish-mash, if you'll pardon: "democracy" and "freedom of expression" are not belief systems (or a part thereof), the first is a socio-legal system, the other an offshoot/consequence/benefit derived from it.


And a western lifestyle does not preclude a belief system either: look at Lebanon, or Iraq (before the wars) where Islam is concerned, or -more obviously- 'more believing' western countries such as the US, Italy, Spain (list far from being exhaustive).


The core issue is about this "divine mandate" obtained from a sky pixie, not which sky pixie. Pretty much the same ills pervaded the Crusades, or the South American conquest...but that was some 500+ years ago, you'd think people by-and-large would be able to move on from medieval obscurantism these days. ;)

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The news report is very vague, it doesn't say whether the person who allegedly burned the page was a Buddhist, or if the "protesters" just decided to take it out on Buddhists.


Why the BBC refers to them as "protesters" is beyond me.

Because it's all part of the softening up process whereby we all tamely accept that Islam is 'not like other religions' and that their 'values are very important'? More important than anyone else's beliefs and values, obviously.


I'm starting to sound like VResistance now, but I believe this process has been going on for a long time now, started by Blair's lot and aided and abetted by social workers, teachers and their ilk.


By the time the rest of us really wake up to what's going on, it'll be far too late to stop the rot.

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I'm starting to sound like VResistance now, but I believe this process has been going on for a long time now, started by Blair's lot and aided and abetted by social workers, teachers and their ilk.


Hmm, I used to teach - I must have been ill on the day that directive went round.... :suspect:

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